Page 17 of Callum
"I am not jealous."
His thick brows lifted. "That never entered my mind, and for the record, I would be just as territorial if the shoe was on the other foot." Removing his hand from hers, he picked up his wine. "And I happen to know a lot about her.
Whenever I invest or think of doing so, I do my research. Lynn was a choir girl. She lost her parents when she was in her teens and has a brother who is a lawyer.
He is currently going through a rather painful divorce. She has been involved with two men and has not been with anyone for a long time." He took a sip of the wine and realized that, perversely, that bit of information pleased him greatly.
He had sensed her inexperience when he made love to her. "She is about her career, something I aim to change."
Julie simply stared at him. "You are-" She shook her head. "You are - surely you are not talking about marriage?"
"Eventually." His smile widened at her expression. "I knew the minute I laid eyes on her that she would be the one to change my life, and I was right."
"You are an extremely wealthy and handsome man." Julie was agitated, but she did not care. "Callum, you are not making any sense. If I came to you and told you that I met a guy two days ago and am thinking of marrying him, what would you say?"
"I would not allow it.' He told her immediately. "This is different."
She bristled, her eyes flashing. "Because what? You are a guy?"
"Because you are inexperienced. I am not. And because I am your senior by ten years. I know what I feel."
"You are not thinking with your brain."
He laughed out loud, eyes twinkling. "Why darling, I believe you are telling me that I am thinking with what you would call my appendage. I am being polite, considering my audience. But no-" He shook his head. "My brain is involved."
"She might be into you for your money." Julie pointed out. "The play needs the funding-"
"And I already established that they will be getting the backing.'
"You said that she was all about her career."
"Yes, I did say that. But the last two days I spent with her, we were not thinking about hers or mine. I took her to Paris."
Julie's eyes widened. "You took her to Paris."
"She helped me pick out your gifts."
"And you bought her some as well."
"Naturally." He inclined his head as he watched her.
"You dazzled her. A trip to Paris and numerous gifts. I bet some of those include jewelry."
"No." He shook his head firmly. "I love you, darling, and I respect your opinion, but I will not allow you to rain on my parade. I trust her, and I will get to know her over time. I assure you that I will not jump into marriage just yet, even though that is precisely what I want to do.
Lynn and I will get to know each other, and there will be lots of press, but that cannot be avoided, considering who we are.Whenever it is prudent and the time is right, I will arrange for you to meet her and hope that, as my only relative, you will show her some courtesy."
She stared at him in silence before turning away to put away the dishes. His tone had been firm and authoritative, different from what he was used to with her.
"I am processing." She muttered. "More wine?"
"I am afraid not." He glanced at his watch, and she saw when he jumped slightly and turned his phone over. A smile touched his lips as he looked at the screen. "Excuse me, will you? I have to take this."