Page 16 of Callum
She had friends over sometimes and colleagues. She did not want them to know that her brother was the multi-billionaire Callum Hammond and that she was a millionaire with several million tucked away in her account.
"I understand." He waited until she had dished out the meal and sat across from him around the counter.
"I met someone." He spoke casually as he dipped into his soup.
"Yes." His eyes met hers. "I want you to meet her as soon as I can persuade her to do so."
"Who is she?"
"Her name is Lynn Peterson, and she is -"
"An actress. I have seen her performance. She is incredibly talented, and she is not your usual type."
He smiled at that as he eyed her. "I don't have a type."
"You have never wanted me to meet any of your - er - women friends before."
He chuckled. "Lovers, darling, and you will not be struck by lightning by saying it. How can you be my sister and be such a prude?" He wondered.
"I am not a prude-" She muttered. "She is special?"
"How long have you been seeing her? There is nothing in the papers."
"We met officially two days ago." He shook his head at that. "Hard to imagine that it was such a short time."
"Two days?" A frown touched her smooth brow. "You are not usually so-" she shook her head. "You are never this impulsive."
"It's not an impulse. I asked her to enter into a relationship with me. She is contemplating it." A smile played around his lips, and the expression on his handsome face made her take a breath and realize it was jealousy.
She had seen the photos of him escorting different women around to various functions and him being paired with several of them but had smiled and shaken her head. He had never introduced them to her, and she knew it was because none of it was serious.
"It's rumored that the play is struggling for lack of funding." She busied herself digging into the veal. She had done away with turkey and made his favorite. He was so busy that she hardly ever saw him, even though he called several times a week.
"You think I am being used."
Chapter 4
She busied herself by turning away to get the chocolate mousse she had splurged on, also one of his favorites, and brought it over.
"Are you?"
"I am going to invest in the play for practical reasons." He admitted, digging into the dessert. He had to admit that as much as he enjoyed his sister's presence, he was eagerly anticipating leaving so that he could be with Lynn. He was thirty-five years old and was like an eager schoolboy with his first crush. It amazed and confounded him.
"We have an excellent R&D department, and they have done their due diligence." He eyed her thoughtfully. "You are my sister, and as expected, you have concerns.
But rest assured, as much as I am -" He paused and took a sip of the wine, amusement in his eyes. "I don't know what the hell Iam. I just know that I have never felt this way before. I ache for her when I am not with her."
Julie felt the twinge and had to tamp it down. "Perhaps you should use that to stay away for a little bit. It might just be lust."
He smiled at her, a white smile creasing his face and transforming it drastically. "I know what lust feels like." Reaching across the counter, he took her hand in his. "I am your brother, and I love you endlessly. No matter how I feel about them, no one will ever come between us."
"I am just concerned." She muttered.
"And a little territorial." He added wisely.