Page 18 of Callum
She watched as he moved away to stand at the window.
"Hey." Julie did not feel bad about listening to the one-sided conversation because she knew who it was.
He chuckled, the warmth flooding his handsome face. "I am just having supper." He listened again. "You are not getting out of it. just let me know when you are through, and I will leave." He listened again. "You are not taking me away from her; I just-"
He brushed a hand at the back of his neck. "I need to be with you, Lynn. I want to spend the night making love to you." As if he realized he had an audience, he headed out so that she could not hear the rest. But what she heard had her shaken to the core.
Taking her wine glass, she took a sip. She knew her brother. He was her hero, and she was proud of him and his accomplishments. He had built a staggering fortune, and she knew what was written about him in the papers.
Only a few key people at work knew her connection to him; she preferred it that way. Being connected to a man like him meant all sorts of complications. She knew him very well and knew he had never been this way about a woman. There was a naked vulnerability on his face that had never been there before.
She had seen him with females, photos of him with a princess, and several high-powered women, and the expression on his face had been one of cool detachment. And they never lasted more than a month.
She often teased him about it, and he told her it was just physical. This time, it was not, and she was afraid he was heading into dangerous territory. He had wealth and power, enough of it that could open doors for anyone in his life.
He was already talking about investing in the woman's play and had just met her. He had taken her to Paris, and she knew he had splurged. He did that with people he cared about deeply.
He could get his very efficient assistant to pick out gifts for her, but he never did. "You mean the world to me, and I want what I give you to have the personal touch." He had told her.
"Hi." She forced a smile to her lips as he wandered back into the room.
"I am leaving shortly," He announced. "Lynn is about finished, and she wants to get into it about the bracelet she found among her packages." A smile played around his lips as he picked up his wine glass.
"A very expensive one, no doubt."
Something in her tone had him staring at her quizzically. "Is there any other kind? You disapprove."
"You are an adult and have been doing your thing for a long time. Who am I-"
"My sister." His deep voice had a ring that warned her she was treading on boggy ground. "I love you very much, but I must tell you I know what I am doing. You don't have to approve-"
"I don't!" She cried softly before she could stop herself. "I am afraid that she is using you-"
"And that's my problem." He told her coolly. "Now I have to go."
"Callum, please don't be mad at me; I could not bear it."
His expression softened as he looked at her. Moving around the counter, he plucked her off the stool and hugged her. "You are not losing me, darling."
"It feels like I am."
"And that's ridiculous." He kissed the top of her head. "I will call you later." He flicked a finger over her cheek. "I am fine."
She hugged him again and clung until he put her away, and she walked with him to the door. "Merry Christmas again."
"I enjoyed it." Turning her around, he kissed her forehead. "Get some rest."
She watched him leave and then closed the door with a heartfelt sigh as she continued to worry about him.
She was waiting for him when he arrived, and the sight of her sitting inside her car sent a gut punch to his solar plexus. He had to take a breath as he parked and exited the vehicle.
"I should have given you the code." Opening the door, he took her hand, his heart racing as she reached for an overnight case. "I will remedy that immediately."
"It's freezing."
"We might be in for a white Christmas after all." He could not keep his hands or eyes off her. She was wearing a bulky cable knit sweater, the color of ripe pumpkins, over thick black leggings and had on the boots he had bought her. He made a mental note to order some more.