Page 15 of Callum
"I want to advise you to run, but that would be my brotherly instinct warring with common sense. You have to be the one to decide."
Julie Bentley was a petite woman with a flawless complexion she had inherited from their mother, and added to that, she had red-gold hair that was a striking contrast to her alabaster skin. Their mother had also passed on her amazing eyes to both siblings. She adored her big brother, which showed as she opened the door and flew into his arms.
"You are crushing the gifts." He chided her as he dropped them to wrap his arms around her before lifting her clear off the floor. "How is my favorite doctor?"
"Tired and looking forward to spending two days in my apartment." She looked at the packages and shook her head. "Really, darling?"
"It's Christmas." He told her simply as he helped her pick up the packages and put them under the six-foot-tall tree. "The star is missing."
"Waiting for you." It was a tradition for them as well, and he humored her.
Smiling, he placed the star on top of the tree easily before turning to take in the red sweater, black leggings, and the antlers perched on top of her head.
"I have one for you as well." She told him cheekily.
"I love you to death, but the answer is hell no."
Laughing, she tucked her hand through his and felt her heart swelling with pride and love for this man who had made a fortune through sheer determination and grit.
He had given her so much even when she protested—and had respected her reasons for not wanting the limelight. She preferred to enjoy him in privacy and could not bear it if someone was into her because of the connection.
Right now, she was concentrating on work, which did not allow for much personal life. "I made cookies shaped like Santa and elves."
"I am sure you did."
"And I bought you something."
"I told you not to."
Rolling her eyes, she went to the kitchen cabinet next to the fridge and took out a gaily wrapped gift. "Open it."
"Why is it not under the tree?"
"I wrapped it last night when I came in and just stuck it there. Open it."
"Very impatient." He untied the bow and tipped through her careful packaging. Opening the box, he took out a framed photo of them. It had been a selfie taken by her the last time he had visited. She looked so tiny and delicate against him that he had to smile.
"I love it."
"I debated what to get for a man who has everything, and I decided on that."
"It's perfect."
"Yes, thanks. How have you been?"
"Work is wonderful. I enjoy being in the OR."
"Still doing grunt work?"
"Yes, and I don't mind."
"It would help if they knew that your brother contributes heavily to that hospital."
"No. I want to make my way." She handed him the wine and went to get the plates. Her apartment was cozy and not too flashy; she had been firm.