Page 68 of Erotic Behavior (Observant Behaviors)
“I’m sorry.I wanted to give you time to sleep in after last night.Are you hungry?”
“I could eat.”
I moved and took my seat next to him while he made me a plate of pancakes and fruit.I watched Talia, who couldn’t keep her eyes off Beckett.She had the most ridiculous smile on her face, and it wasn’t until Leo leaned over and whispered something into her ear that she tried to tamp it down some.
“Okay, what’s going on?”
“With what, love?”
“You,” I said, pointing at Talia.
“I told you she’d ruin it, bro,” Leo said with a laugh.
“I will not!Raven, eat your breakfast.”
I raised my eyes in her direction and shook my head.“Not with you staring at Beckett like that.Tell me what’s going on.”
“Come here,” Beckett said, pulling my chair out and reaching for me.“Come back and sit with me.”
Talia squealed, and I just rolled my eyes at her as I crawled back into Beckett’s lap and let him take my hands in his.
“First, I need you to know that I made this big cosmic plan with everything you’d see in a movie to propose to you, but then life happened… again… and I realized that’s not what we are about.”I took a deep breath, suddenly realizing why my best friend was losing her shit over this morning.
“Raven Wessex, you came into my life in the most unordinary way possible.I should tell you how I wish it had been different, but I don’t.Everything that has happened so far has led us to this moment right now.You agreed to marry me as part of a contract, but I told you once I wouldn’t make you do it unless you wanted to spend forever with me.You are my everything, the only woman I think I’ve ever loved.The idea of a moment without you makes me sick, and every day I’m thankful that I was insane enough to bring you into my life.”
I looked down when I felt his hands move and saw he was holding a ring out to me.
“Raven, will you agree to be my wife and spend the rest of your life with me?”
There were tears in my eyes that blurred Beckett’s face as I nodded like an overexcited child.“Yes!Yes, I will marry you.”
Beckett reached for my hand and slid the ring on my finger before pulling my face to his and kissing me like he never wanted to let me go.The world around us disappeared, and he was the only thing I could focus on.In the back of my mind, I knew Talia and Leo were still there, but it didn’t matter.My life with Beckett was better than anything I had imagined, and even though I knew we were forever, this made it that much more real.
When the world stopped spinning around us, I looked behind me to see Talia in tears with a smile so big her face looked distorted.Leo was holding her back because the second he saw me turn, he let go of her arm and she launched herself at me and Beckett.
“I’m so happy!You did it Rae!You found your forever!!”
Luckily Beckett caught me before she knocked me right off his lap and he was now holding the both of us to keep us upright.I hugged Talia and then pulled her close to me to whisper into her ear.“I think you did too, Tal.You just wait and see.”
An Unlikely Arrest
Iknewwewouldhave problems before our flight even landed.What I hadn’t expected was how quickly things escalated on the short flight back to the city.It started with a call from my attorney telling me they had a problem and turned into ‘expect a mess when you land’.
“Raven, there is something we need to talk about,” I said as I watched the airport come into view.
She looked over at me with a soft smile.“Sure, what’s up?”
“I’m going to be arrested when we land.There are police waiting for me on the airstrip.”
I watched as her features transformed from a content, newly-engaged woman to one with a look of sheer terror.“Michael will take you back to the house, and I want you to wait for me there.I sent a message off to Ashlee, and she and William are going to come and stay with you until I get back.”
“Wait, what is going on?”
“There is nothing to worry about, I promise.It seems your ex has decided he was going to push things and according to my attorney, I’ll need to go in to work this all out.Compliance is important in a situation like this.”
“Work what out?I don’t understand.You told me there wasn’t anything illegal about the club.What could they possibly have on you?”