Page 69 of Erotic Behavior (Observant Behaviors)
“I’ll know more when I get there.”
“I want to go with you.”
“Beckett, please.I can’t just sit at the house not knowing what is going on.”
The plane began its descent, and the red and blue flashing lights were clear as day.“I will keep you updated as best I can.There is no reason for me to be there longer than overnight.He has nothing.”
I reached for her hand as the tears sprang to her eyes.“Why do these things keep happening to us?”
“Life is complicated, baby girl.It’s the downside of being on top.My father taught me that as a child.Someone will always come for me.It’s a way of life I’ve gotten used to.”
She nodded her head slightly and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.
“I love you, Raven.”
“I love you too.”
The plane came to a stop and as the stairs were lowered, it was flooded with local police.It was a joke, really, something to rattle Raven more than anything else.These men had nothing on me.Especially not drug charges.According to my attorney, they had an eyewitness who had observed one of my employees selling drugs in the club.It was impossible for something like that to happen, so I knew it was a load of shit.We completed random drug tests monthly, our employees were searched before entering every night, and outsiders were not allowed in.So whoever they had as the eyewitness must have been a member of the club.Once the investigator my team hired got to work, they would end up dropping the charges.I’d be out on bail long before that, but Calvin would accomplish his goal of upsetting Raven.I hated him for it, and I’d do everything in my power to ensure he’d pay for this.
“Mr.Beckett Haynes, you are being arrested for drug trafficking and possession.These are your rights…”
The officer droned on as he placed me in handcuffs.Yet another thing that wasn’t called for.I planned to go willingly.I made eye contact with one of the members of my legal team who had just boarded the plane, and he gave me a small nod to encourage me to continue to comply.
“Do you understand your rights?”the officer shouted in the small space.
“I do.”
They pushed me out toward the door and down the steps, and the only words I uttered were to Michael, who was standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting for Raven.
“Don’t leave her alone with him.”
Calvin’s evil smirk on the plane just proved how much he was enjoying the shit he was stirring.
“Yes, sir.”
The second we cleared the stairs he went up to get Raven and I’d never been more thankful for loyal employees than I was at that moment.
One thing they never show you on television is how long getting booked takes when someone is arrested.The process was the same for everyone, regardless of who you knew or how much money you had.I sat in a holding cell for hours waiting for word that something was moving along in the right direction.At around ten at night, the corrections officer walked back in and shouted my name.
“Haynes, you are out.”
I looked up at him, confused but thankful.I had planned to at least spend the night before going in front of a judge, but it didn’t appear any of that was going to happen.I reached for my suit coat that I took off hours earlier and gave a salute to the veteran who had entertained me while we waited, then followed the man out.
By the time I walked out front of the precinct, I looked out to find Michael waiting there for me out front with the car.
“Who called you?”
“Darren.He said to pick you up and take you home.He’ll meet with you in the morning.”
I looked down at my phone, which was deader than a doornail, and got into the car behind him.
“How’s Raven?”I asked as I plugged my phone in, hoping to get enough charge to call her.
“Upset.Not sad or crying, but angry.By the time I made my way onto the plane, she was yelling at that cop friend of hers.”
“He’s not her friend.”