Page 49 of Dion
He jumped when sheplaced a hand on his thigh, his muscles flexing.
"Relax."She murmured.
"You make menervous."
"I don't know. Iguess I’m still in the learning stages."
"We’ll getthere."
He gave her a glanceas he turned off the main road. "Will you always be this patientwith me?" He asked.
"I’ll letyou know when I’ve run out. For now, the answer is yes."
"Thanks."He told her gruffly.
"He’sgetting worse and asking for you." Lydia told her as soon as shepicked up the phone. "He gets agitated whenever I call and allhe does is ask when you’re coming to see him. Ten minutes outof your busy schedule, that's all I’m asking you to do. I knowyou’re busy-"
"It's not justthat." She told her sister angrily. "I can’t forgivehim for leaving us and it's not fair he’s now playing games."
"He’s onthe point of dying! Surely, even you can afford to let what happenedto us go."
"What’sthat supposed to mean?"
"It means youhold everyone to a higher standard. We’re all human beings whodo despicable things at times."
"He left hisentire family to rot. I’m being practical and realistic. I’mnot a hypocrite."
"So you’resaying I am?"
"I’m notsaying that. Look, I’m about to become a mother and I’dlove to roll out the red carpet and put it all behind me-"
"I thought youwere merely a surrogate."
"Things haveprogressed."
"So he’sin love with you?”
“I’m surehe is."
"Has he not saidthe words?"
"He’sstill trying to figure things out."
"He might neverfigure things out. Do you know what you’re doing?"
"I’m inlove with him and prepared to fight for us."
"Yet, you’renot prepared to pay a sick man a visit."
"Okay, fine.I’ll go, but I’m not promising to go with open arms."
She supposed thathaving the doctor inform her and Dion the fetus was growing nicelyand everything was going well made her think. He was off to Manhattanand she was missing him already. He’d called as soon as he wasthere and had updated her on the progress.
"If you’refeeling unwell, please call me."