Page 50 of Dion
"What are yougoing to do from there?" She’d asked him teasingly.
"Fly back. Imean it, Odette."
"You came!"The man sitting upright in the bed looked gaunt and tired and shefelt a reluctant pity touching her. Pulling up a chair, she sat.
"Yes. Lydia canbe very persuasive."
"I’m sohappy you came. I didn't think you would."
"So, I’mhere. What now?"
"I want totalk." A smile crossed his lips. "You remind me so much ofher. The same lovely face and determination."
"I accept thecompliment. Mom was a warrior who never shirked her duties as aparent."
"Unlike me."
"You said it."Odette responded with a shrug. "You left us- your wife anddaughters and now you’re on the point of death, you’reback."
"Your bluntnessis painful."
"I’m nothere to sugarcoat anything." She warned.
"I don't expectyou to." He plucked at the sheets restlessly, his eyes shiftingaway from her face. "I have a lot of free time to think-"He gestured around the room, his expression ironic. "I’mnot going anywhere, am I? I was foolish and arrogant. I had somethingwonderful, a woman who loved me and I took it all for granted."
His eyes moved backto her face. “I was never a parent, I missed watching you andyour sister growing up and that’s something I’ll neverforgive myself for. I keep wondering why I did it and can’tcome up with a suitable answer."
Odette felt a jolt atthe tear sliding down his lined cheek.
"I can only hopeyou will find it in your heart to forgive me. You’re going tobe a mother-"
He stared at her andnodded. "Lydia told me."
"She has a bigmouth."
"Isn't itsomething to be proud of? You’re having a baby and she tells meit’s for a decent man. I hope you’ll allow me to meet himone day."
She felt a sliver ofrelief that her sister hadn’t revealed the circumstances of thepregnancy.
"That remains tobe seen." She told him coolly. "Look, I’m notpromising to come and see you on a daily, or even a weekly, basis,but I’ll try and stop by."
"That's all I’masking. How are you feeling? When your mother was pregnant, she wasas sick as a dog for the first six months."
"I’mgetting by." She wasn’t willing to discuss such a personalmatter with a man who was basically a stranger.
“And thegentleman? He’s there for you?"
She started to say itwas none of his business but responded. "He is, a hundredpercent."
"Good." Henodded. "You need someone who’ll be there for you. I’mhappy you have that support."
He called her in theafternoon.