Page 48 of Dion
"I do." Herbreath was caught inside her throat as he drifted nearer to openingof her thighs.
"I can-t –Oh, Dion."
"You have suchbeautiful skin," His breath was hitching inside his throat."Like silk." he introduced a finger, feeling the moltenheat running through him as her lips parted and her body arched. "Ilove the feel of you.' He inserted another finger.
"You’rewet." His breathing had become ragged. "Your passion makesme hard as a rock. I want to ravage you." His voice hadthickened and his thrusts had become deeper. “I want to devouryou whole, but I’m afraid of hurting you."
"You won't.' Shegasped, her fingers curling into the sheets.
"I don't wantto." His thumb flicked over her clitoris and her body jerked inshock. "I never want to hurt you, but I’m losing control.I don't care if someone comes into the room. I have to have you. I’mburning for you."
He applied morepressure and her cries echoed around the room. "Come for me."He whispered thickly. "I want to feel you all over me."
"Dion!" Shegasped, her body arching as the climax exploded with enough force tosend her slender body arching and convulsing.
He stroked her fleshagain and to her shocked surprise, she was coming again. By the timehe removed his fingers and guided himself into her, she was sobbing.
Lifting her legs, hewrapped them around his waist and was kneeling on the bed. He went indeep, his control slipping until he had no idea what he was doing.Clamping his hands around her hips, he lifted her to meet his feveredthrusts, his face hard and taut with passion. It didn’t takelong for him to climax.
His head drifted backas the groan was torn from his chest. He couldn’t stop, hisheart was hammering inside his chest. Managing to pull out of her, hecollapsed next to her, his breathing ragged as he fought for control.
The silence stretchedbetween them as they tried to recover their composure then he spoke.
"Mother must bewondering where we are."
"Yes. We shouldget dressed."
"Use thebathroom first while I pick up our clothing." He didn’tlook at her as he rose gracefully and descended the steps.
"Okay." Shefelt small and weepy and knew it wasn’t just hormones. Nomatter how close they got, or how passionate the lovemaking was, henever said the words to her. The words she was dying to hear.
Dion waited untilshe’d gone into the bathroom before going over to sit on one ofthe sofas, his head buried in his hands. It’d been intense andhe’d felt the red haze coming over him. He wasn’tthinking about Amelia when he was with Odette, far from it.
What was botheringhim was that he was falling headlong without a safety net andcouldn’t afford to go back to where he’d been before. Hecouldn’t allow anyone to control his life like before. Hedidn’t want that. It’d almost destroyed him and he had noidea how he’d come back from that.
Springing up from thesofa as she came in, he watched her walking toward the chair whereshe’d spread her clothing.
"You should getdressed." She told him coolly making his heart sink.
"Yes."Turning away, he went to use the bathroom. By the time he came backout, she’d left the room. Sighing deeply, he got dressed andwent downstairs to see her talking with his mother.
"We have to go,mother." He said quietly.
"I hope thiswill be a regular Sunday event." Ilene followed them outside asthey went toward the car.
"I hope so too."Odette responded with a smile as she got in.
They drove most ofthe way in silence, with her glancing at his rigid profile.
"Are you goingto your place?"
She felt a spurt ofanger and decided to let it go. "Is that what you want?"
He glanced at herbriefly. "I’m asking what you want."
"I’d liketo be with you, Dion, but if that isn’t what you want-"
"I want you."His hands tightened on the wheel. "But I don't know how tohandle the intensity of what we’re dealing with."