Page 35 of Dion
“No! No! Don’thurt her. I won’t let you!”
“You replacedme with her. I told you I’m in your life to stay. If I can’thave you, no one else can. You left me.”
“You almostkilled me.”
“That’sbecause I love you so much.”
“That wasn’tlove. You don’t hurt people you love.”
“I’mgoing to kill her.” The knife descended and he lunged for itand missed.
“Dion, forGod’s sake, wake up.” He felt someone shaking him almostviolently. “You’re dreaming. Wake up.”
His eyes flutteredopen as he jumped up off the pillows, a wild look on his face.
“You’reokay.” His breathing was harsh, his limbs trembling.
“It was adream.” Odette tried to hide the terror she was feeling and thesickness in the pit of her stomach.
“She was aboutto drive the knife into your heart. I couldn’t let her.”
He looked soterrified that she wanted to weep.
“It was adream.”
“It felt soreal.” He took several deep breaths to get himself undercontrol. “I was sleeping here and something woke me and when Iopened my eyes, I saw her standing over you with a knife. She said-‘He took another breath.
“She said shewasn’t letting me go. She was going to kill you because youwere with me.” He was still shaking and using her instinct, shereached out to pull him into her arms.
“She’slocked up.”
“It felt soreal.” His breath stirred her skin and he suddenly felt thewarmth and peace covering him.
“It’snot.” She stroked his naked back and felt when the tremorsstart to subside. Was he ever going to get over her? She wondered indespair, her expression bleak.
“Don’t.”Her voice was a little sharp and she had to soften her tone. “She’sstill messing with your head.” She kissed his temple. “It’llget better.”
Her breath stutteredinside her chest when she felt his mouth on her collarbone.
“Hmm?”Pushing her back against the pillows, he nibbled at her throat,continuing to blaze a trail at the side of her neck until he waskissing the top of her breast. “I love the taste of yournipples.’ He whispered hoarsely. “I think it’s myfavorite thing.”
“Is that so?”Her fingers tunneled through his thick brown hair, body arching inanticipation as he placed butterfly kisses on her skin. Her breathdrew in sharply when he started toying with the rigid nipple.
By the time, hepulled the tight bud into his mouth, she was already erupting.
He woke in the earlyhours of the morning as he was accustomed to doing. Thankfully, hehad fallen into a deep slumber after making love to her after thedebilitating nightmare. A frown touched his brow as he stared down ather.
She was naked andsprawled on her stomach. The sheet was draped over her shapelybuttocks and the light shining through the large bay window wasenough for him to see her flawless complexion.