Page 36 of Dion
They’dcomplicated things, he hadn’t wanted that to happen. She washis best friend and a constant source of comfort to him. He’ddecided after the horror that was his past he’d stay away fromrelationships – just give it a break and give himself time torecuperate.
All he’d wantedwas a child, preferably a son to carry on the Horton legacy. Hehadn’t factored in the fact that she’d want to be withhim in a physical way.
Now they had, hefound it addictive. It’d taken him by surprise. He’d alsoadmitted to her that he feared he was impotent. After Amelia, he’dtried and it hadn’t happened for him so he’d decided togive it a rest.
He didn’t haveto be a shrink to realize it was mental rather than physical. He wasemotionally crippled and unavailable, and he didn’t want tohurt Odette. The fear had manifested itself in his nightmares, whichtold him it was uppermost in his mind.
Leaning forward, hepulled the sheet up to her waist and rose. He had several meetingslined up, one of which was a breakfast meeting. The summer line wasalready out and taking the world by storm. Ads were running in thepapers and on social media as well as signs advertising their newlines seen all over town.
He was in charge ofso many things. Not only was he the COO of the company, he was alsoin charge of different stores all over the world. Turning away, heheaded for the door, stopping to take a look at her again.
A smile crossed hislips as he realized that she hadn’t even budged. Should heleave a note? Or send a message to her phone to let her know that hehad meetings, hence the need to leave early. It wasn’t like hewas sneaking out, he assured himself.
He had to leave andbesides, he had no idea what to say to her, he had to think. Hewanted to be with her again and wondered if that was something shewanted as well.
Where does this leavethem? He found himself thinking as he closed the door behind him anddescended the stairs. Should he ask her over to his place? He had noidea what they were doing. Disengaging the alarm, he let himself outand into the cool morning air.
He hadn’tplanned on staying when he came last night. Sliding into the car, hesat there for a minute and felt the pull of yearning for her insidehim. For the first time in a long time, he wasn’t thinkingabout Amelia.
What does that mean?He had no idea. He wasn’t going to spend time exploring it.Touching the start button, he drove away.
It was the sound ofthe engine that woke her. Turning her head, she saw he was gone.Sliding the sheet off, she swung her legs off the bed and rushed tothe window in time to see the disappearing taillights of his car.Perhaps it was best that he left so they didn’t have to talk.She had no idea what to say to him.
Chapter 8
Odette studied thesilk spread out on her desk with a tiny frown. She was reconsideringthe color – raw pink was suddenly not sitting right with her.Perhaps, maroon, ruby? Sitting back against the cushions of herchair, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes briefly.
She’d triedgoing back to sleep after Dion had left, but it’d beenimpossible. All sorts of things had been running through her mind.The nightmare was the biggest part of it. He was still about thatbitch, she was still on his mind and that was something she wastrying to deal with.
She stretched,trying to work the kinks out of her muscles. She was about to pushaway from the desk when her phone rang. Forcing herself to remaincalm, she reached for it.
“Hi. I hope I’mnot disturbing you.” His deep baritone sent shivers down herspine and brought the memories of last night and this morning rushingback.
“I welcome theinterruption. I’m trying to decide on a color for a dress I’mdesigning for a customer.”
“Designer’sblock?” His teasing tone had her smiling in relief. She didn’twant any awkwardness between them.
“Something likethat.” She told him with a laugh, rolling her shoulders to getrid of the tension there.
“I didn’trun out.” He said abruptly after a few seconds of silence.
“I neverthought you did.” She told him truthfully. “You didn’tplan on staying in the first place and had to swing by your place.”
“Would youconsider coming to me, I mean if you’d like a repeatperformance, that is.”
She rolled her eyesat the hesitant note in his voice. “Do you?”
“I would.”She felt buoyed by the immediate and definitive response.
“So do I.Your place then, whenever.”
“I have afunction tonight. A fashion show introducing the summer and falllines. You should come.”
“I’d loveto. I was just wondering if my invitation was lost in the mail.”
“How are youfeeling? Any nausea?”