Page 34 of Dion
He closed his eyesbriefly and reached for her hesitantly. She went Into his armswilling, hugging him tight and breathing him in. “You wereworried for nothing.”
“’I’mhappy I was able to please you.”
“Did I pleaseyou?”
He chuckled and feltthe tight grip loosening around his chest. “Immensely.”He assured her.
“Thank you.”
“For?”Lifting her head, she stared at him.
“For helping meto regain my confidence.”
“Is thatwhat I did?” She raised her eyebrows.
“And forrocking my world.” His eyes twinkled.
“That’smore like it.” Her hand touched his jaw gently. “You wereworried for nothing. I absolutely loved it.” And I love you.She thought silently.
“I’mhappy you did. Now what does this mean to us?”
“I’mhoping that it means we can do it whenever we feel the urge.”She told him casually.
He stared at her fora minute, his hand unconsciously rubbing up and down her back. “I’ma mess.”
“What do youmean?”
“It means I’venever been in a real relationship. I have nightmares about her. I’mnot accepting her calls, but she still has her grips on me. I don’tknow what you want from me- “
“Why don’twe take it slow?” She forced the anger not to surface. “We’rehere for each other and see where it goes.”
He let out a breath.“Sure?”
“Positive. Areyou rested enough?”
“What do youhave in mind?”
Pulling him down, sheshowed him.
He spent the nightand she didn’t have to persuade him. They made love twice moreand what that did was confirm she was head over heels in love withhim. It surprised her that she’d known him for almost all ofher life and never realized what was happening.
He’d been afriend, a very good one. The kind of friend she could tell anythingto. They’d drifted apart for a few years, keeping in touchevery now and then because, well – he was Dion Horton, the onlyson and heir of the Horton’s line. When she heard what happenedto him, she’d reached out immediately and they’d kept intouch.
Now it was different.She shifted her head to stare at him. He’d fallen asleep withhis head on her pillow next to her face.
She smiled slightlyas he wondered what he’d say if she told him that, not that shewas going to. He was shy, she never knew that about him either, butshe suspected his self-esteem had taken a blow when that bitch triedto kill him.
She’d get itback for him. She was in his life now and she was here to stay. Sheknew she was going to have to take her time with him and she wasprepared for that.
She loved him and ifthat meant she was going to heal the broken pieces in his life, shewas prepared to do so. Moving her head slightly, she brushed a tenderkiss on his forehead. He was in her bed and in her life and that wasokay for now.
The nightmare came inthe early hours of the morning, and it was bad. He had no idea whatbrought it on, but he was inside his apartment and two women werethere. He was asleep next to – it was Odette! He’d justmade love to her and had drifted off.
Something woke himfrom his sleep and when he opened his eyes, he saw Amelia standingover Odette, poised with a knife in both hands.