Page 64 of Nash
Bending his head, hekissed her slowly, firing her senses and making her ache for him.
"No." Heshook his head as he ended the kiss. "Upstairs in bed."
"Then let'shurry."
Untangling himself,he helped her up and not even bothering to take the clothes withthem, they went upstairs and into the bedroom, where he started allover again.
This time, he managedto control himself, his body shuddering as her cries echoed aroundthe room. Afterwards, he held her close, his hands stroking her backas the tremors racked them both.
"I don't knowwhat’s happening to me." He admitted later when he couldspeak.
"Don't you, mylove?" Lifting her head from his chest, she gazed at himtenderly. "Want me to explain it to you?"
He laughed softly,shaking his head. "I’m going to have to figure it out."He brushed his fingers down her cheek. Touching her was becomingaddictive. "Where do you want our first date to be?"
Her eyes widened andfor a few seconds she couldn’t speak.
"Speechless?"He teased.
She wasn’t usedto this side of him and was overwhelmed by it.
"For the firsttime in my life." She admitted. "How about a club?"
His eyebrows liftedat that. "A club?"
"Yep." Shegrinned at him. "You should see the expression on your face. Nota club then. Somewhere you won’t be recognized."
"I was thinkingParis."
"I’m allfor that."
"In themorning?"
Her eyes widened."You’re not joking."
"Why would I be?Or Italy. Which would you prefer?"
"I thought wewere keeping things quiet?"
"For now, yes."Picking up her hand, he turned it over to stare at the criss-crossingpatterns in her palm. He bent to kiss her lips, tongue gliding intoher mouth.
"Will start tosuspect, but she’s completely loyal to me." He wanted heragain and he realized that he was no longer surprised. "I’mgoing to start dropping by your office while you’re in ameeting."
"How would youknow?"
"I’ll makeit my duty to find out."
"And then?"She asked him breathlessly.
"I’ll dothis." He skimmed a finger over her cheek before kissing heragain. “For them to get the picture.”
“That we’rean item?"
"Is that what weare?"
"You do realizethat I want the whole works, right?"