Page 65 of Nash
"What would thatbe?"
"Marriage,exchanging my name for yours and eventually five kids." Shegrinned at his horrified expression.
"Or six. We’llfigure it out later."
"I can’t-"His eyes narrowed at her. "You’re messing with me."
"Yes, I am."She touched his cheek gently. "Four will do. I want us to get toknow each other first before that. I want you all to myself."
"I haven’tagreed-"
"Oh, but youhave." She brought his head down and kissed him.
"Allison."He murmured her name for the first time and it felt like music to herears.
"Let me haveyou. I must have you." His breathing was unsteady, bis bodycharged and yearning to take her.
“You have me.”She shifted until she was beneath him. “Always.”
They didn’tmake it anywhere, of course. He kept her in bed for the entire day,going so far as to mute his phone. He also called his housekeeper tostop her from coming in. They only went downstairs when they felthungry.
It was after one whenthey realized they hadn’t eaten anything for almost an entireday. He allowed them to sleep for a few hours before he was at itagain.
When he used hismouth on her body, she cried out her love and need of him andsplintered something deep inside him.
He opened up littleby little.
"I dreaded goinghome." He told her softly, still in a state of shock he’dfound someone he could make love to and have a conversation with.They’d finished eating the sandwiches and soup and were back inbed. She was propped up on the pillows, with one of his strong,muscular legs thrown over both of hers.
His fingers werelinked with hers and it felt natural. “I’d find ways tohang around school, or around the neighborhood so I’d avoid hisfists or the look of anger when he saw me." He brought theirjoined hands to his mouth, brushing her knuckles with his lips.
"I’dstopped trying to please him because I knew nothing I ever did wouldmake a difference."
"You don't haveto talk about it, darling." She told him softly. "I want toerase the past, to make it as if it never happened."
"You can’tdo that." He smiled at her. He found it easy enough to do. Thiswoman with her light and huge capacity for love had drawn him intoher life. "You make it easy for me. You love me." There waswonder in his voice that touched her to the core.
"More than Iever thought or dreamed I’d ever love anyone."
"I never hadthat."
Her heart broke morethan a little at the wistful note in his voice.
"I’mafraid you’re going to have to brace yourself." She toldhim huskily. "You’re going to be overwhelmed by it."
"Is that right?"
"Oh, yes. Nomore talk of the past, the hurt and pain of it." She framed hisface between her palms. 'We have the rest of our lives to catch up.For this weekend, I want us to make love until we drop fromexhaustion."
His eyes glinted atthat. "I don't want you to get tired of me."
"That will neverhappen." She nudged at him, one hand sliding between them tocapture the pulsating warmth of his cock. "I love this but I’dlove it even more if it was inside me.”