Page 63 of Nash
"For how long?"His heart was shattering inside his chest. For the first time in hislife, there was hope, a light at the end of a very long and darktunnel.
"A week."She smiled impishly at the look on his face. "Two."
"You’recalling the shots?" He asked her gruffly, feeling his heartmelting even more.
"Someone has to.Now shut up and make love to me."
"As you wish."Gently pushing her back against the pillows, he trailed his fingersdown her cheek, followed by his lips, until he was kissing the sideof her lips.
"Not yet."He whispered, his breath stirring hers as she turned her head to meethis lips.
"I want to takemy time." Kissing her chin, he moved to her neck, nibbling atthe skin, feeling the tremors of her body. He tongued the hollow ofher throat, moving down to the top of her breasts. He could feel hisbody hardening and realized dimly that he wasn’t going to makeit.
He kissed the top ofher breast, circling her nipple with his tongue. His body shifted sohe was half covering hers. The minute he started suckling the nipple,she erupted, her fingers digging into his shoulders and back.
"Hush," Hewhispered achingly. The passion was taking over and he could nolonger control his reaction. "Shh, baby." He wasn’teven aware he’d called her that. His head lifted as he coveredher body with his, sliding into her until he was deep inside her.
The sweet torment ofher flesh closing around his cock was almost too much to bear. Neverin his life had he experienced anything like this before. He wentstill, his head bowed to hers, as he fought for control.
"Not yet."He murmured thickly, lips brushing against hers as he tried to slowthings down. "I need a minute. Give me a minute. It feels sogood. How can it be this good?" He wasn’t seeking answersfrom her, those weren’t even questions, he was just wonderingaloud.
“I’m notgoing to last." He gasped as he started moving. His handsgripped her face, his eyes blazing into hers. "I’m sorry.I can’t-" The rest of the words were left unsaid as hetook her lips in a kiss that had her arching against him.
The thrusts becamedesperate, the need for release a goal that had to be met. She cameagain, her cries swallowed by his mouth, deep inside his throat. Hecame then, the violence of the climax, slamming through his body,making him drive deeper and deeper inside her.
He poured his life,the darkness of his past, the hurt and pain he’d experiencedall those years washed through him and flooded her. He went limp, hisbody sagging on top of hers as hope and contentment took overcompletely.
"Not yet."She whispered, closing her arms around his neck.
"I’mcrushing you."
"No." Shekissed his throat and felt her heart constricting when he shuddered.
"How about ifI-" He managed to slide off her, bringing her to his side. Hehad no words. She had one thigh thrown over his and he could feeltheir combined climaxes against his flesh. He didn’t want tomove, just wanted to stay right here with her, just like this. "Weshould try and make it upstairs."
"Hmm.” Shemurmured drowsily, loving the feel of his body against hers. This washome. With him, she knew she was right at home.
“Don’tfall asleep.”
“Hmm.”She murmured again. “I can’t move. it's quite cozy here."
With gentle fingers,he brushed back her hair from her cheek. He felt protective of her,fiercely possessive. She’d said she belonged to him and hewanted it to be true. "I didn’t have sex with her."He found himself confessing after a few minutes of silence."
"I know."Lifting her head, she met his gaze.
"I just do."Lifting a hand, she smoothed the tiny scar at his left brow. "Iwanted to be the only one. I hoped you’d see I’m enoughfor you. Will always be enough for you." Her fingers workedtheir way down his cheek.
"I was cheatedon before and I told myself I’d never put myself in thatposition again. When I met you, when I saw you in your office,everything I promised myself went out the window. I knew I’dfound the one I’d be spending the rest of my life with."
He stared at her inwonder. "The first time?" There was skepticism in his deepvoice. "I was horribly rude."
Her lips tilted inresponse. "Were you? I thought you were the soul of politeness."
His shout of laughterstartled her. His handsome face was transformed and she found herselfloving him even more. "Right."
"You were."Her smile was wide and she was hardly aware or didn’t care thatthe love she had for him was shining in her eyes. "I felt sowelcomed."