Page 56 of Nash
"I’m goodand you?" Her tone was equally polite and he felt a smiletugging at his lips.
“Quite well,thank you.”
“I was about togo on and ask about the weather, but I’m through with thisnonsense. What can I do for you?"
Her bluntnessshouldn’t have shocked him, but it did. "I -I was justchecking in."
"I’m sureyour very able and terrifying assistant filled you in on whatever isgoing on here. So, that's not why you called. Unless you wanted tochew me out about going to talk to your father."
He seized on that,despising himself for being a coward. "What possessed you to dothat?"
"Oh, I don'tknow. One of the reasons was I wanted to see for myself the man whodid that to you. To lay into him for treating you like that and theother was just morbid curiosity and I wanted to hear what he had tosay for himself."
"You had noright." Even to his own ear, his objection sounded weak as helland he wouldn’t admit to himself that what she said had warmedhis heart.
"Maybe, but Ioften do what I have no right doing. Anything else?"
"No. Yes."He cleared his throat. “I want to see you when I get back.”
“You’regoing to have to be more specific. Considering you haven’tfired me, I’ll be here and you’ll be seeing me. Or not.You don't often grace the second floor with your presence."
He really shouldreprimand her for talking to him like that, but she intrigued him. "Iwant to see you at my loft."
"What acoinkidink! I want that too."
His body felt flushedand he could feel his blood pressure rising. "I asked you tocome to me the night before I left and you refused."
"I was punishingyou."
He blinked at that."You were? Why?"
"You humiliatedme and then had the gall to march into my office and expect me to beat your beck and call. It doesn’t work like that. And anotherthing – I’m not sharing you with anyone else."
This time he wentutterly still, his heart hammering inside his chest. "I beg yourpardon?"
"I’m sureyou heard me. Here’s something to chew on while you are away.I’m in love with you, Nash Hamilton, and I’m going tomake you fall in love with me too. Look, I have to go, duty calls."
Chapter 14
He was tempted tocall her back and tell her to get the hell out of his company. Out ofhis life. How dare she say that to him and just hang up! What thehell was she thinking? He needed another drink.
She was in love withhim? What the hell did that mean? Of course he knew what it meant,but he wasn’t going to accept that. She didn’t even knowhim and to casually say those words, meant that- what the hell did itmean?
He was having a hellof a conversation with himself, he realized as he splashed vodka intothe glass. Taking it back with him, he went to sit on the edge of thebed. 'I’m not sharing you.' Who the hell does she think she is?
They had sex twiceand it was just that - sex. Yes, amazing sex, the kind that literallyblows the mind, but still - with a shaky hand, he lifted the glass tohis lips and took a deep swallow.
He didn’t needthis complication in his life. She was a distraction he wasn’tcomfortable with. But you can’t stop thinking about her, thevoice inside his head chose that moment to remind him.
"It doesn’tmatter," He said aloud, his expression moody. “I’mnot capable of love or entering into a committed relationship."
The tormented voiceresponded back. Ever since you met her, you haven’t been ableto be with anyone. Your Dad was in love with one woman to the pointof distraction, he might have passed on that to you.
"Just shut thehell up!" He shouted. Realizing that he was arguing withhimself, he took another deep swallow of the drink and wondered if hewas going mad. Damn her! he thought viciously.
He’d built acompany from the ground up and now he was being stupid over a woman.he couldn’t stop thinking about her. He wanted her all the timeand when he was with her, he could think of nothing else. Now, he wasaway on business and felt like a lovesick- Lovesick!
"Oh Christ!"He swallowed the rest of the vodka and went to get some more. Hismind was just muddled, he decided as he splashed more vodka into theglass. That’s what it was. He was confused and jet lag was justcatching up to him.