Page 55 of Nash
“Do you havesomeone in mind?”
Allison laughedsoftly. “Mama, you’re in a mood. Where is all of thiscoming from?”
“You’remy only child and I want to see you happy. Is anything wrong withthat?”
“Nothing atall, and I promise that I’m doing something about it.”
For the first time ina long time, Nash was in a predicament. He was unable to sleep orconcentrate on anything to do with work. His meetings were throughfor the day and he’d declined an invitation to dinner at one ofthe associate's homes, preferring to be alone.
Inside his sumptuoussuite at the hotel, he’d picked at the meal and was staring outthe window at the busy street below. His mind was on her. His bodywas yearning for her. He couldn’t stop wanting her, rememberingwhat she tasted like. He’d gone down on her and could stilltaste the muskiness of her on his tongue.
He'd dutifully calledMiriam and assured himself that she was being taken care of.
"You’rethousands of miles away." She’d protested. "You don'tneed to worry about me."
"You would havedone the same for me."
"I would. I’mfine, Nash. I’m lazing around for a couple of days and not evenpainting. I have a capable staff at the gallery and I know it's ingood hands. Thanks for checking in."
With that dutydispensed with, he had called his old man.
"You spoke toAllison Simpson, why?"
"I should haveknown you’d hear about it." His voice sounded resigned anddefiant. "She’s your PR person and I wanted to talk."
"You alreadyknow. I just wanted to talk," He repeated.
"You’recomfortable airing dirty laundry to a complete stranger?"
"You weren’tshy about airing it to millions who happen to own a television set!"He barked. Both had been stunned into shock at his loss of control.
"You’reright." Nash had found himself saying. "I didn’tconsult you before doing so."
"I’m theone who owes you an apology."
"I don't want togo through that again."
"I know. ThisAllison is a delightful person. She isn’t afraid to speak hermind."
"That much Iknow." He’d muttered and ended the conversation. He wastempted to call her. He was going back at the end of the week and hadseveral functions to attend, but he wanted to see her.
Picking up his dinnercocktail, he wandered restlessly around the room, his bare feetsinking into the lush carpet. He’d changed out of his suit andwas wearing casual lounge pants and a thin black sweater.
His hair was stilldamp after the shower and was curling at the front. He could havetaken up another invitation. The vivacious and lovely Elena hadoffered to come up to his room to give him a massage and anythingelse he was in need of.
He knew her well andhad taken her up on her invitation several times on his trip toItaly. But tonight, even the sight of her got on his nerves. Eversince he’d touched Allison Simpson, he was unable to touchanother woman. It was frightening and frustrating as hell.
He had to get her outof his head but it didn’t work. Glancing at the clock, he sawit was after nine which meant it was a little after two in theafternoon there. Before he could talk himself out of it, he picked upthe phone and dialed her number.
"Ms. Simpson."He felt foolish calling her by her surname when he’d been sointimate with her.
"Mr. Hamilton."
"How are you?"He closed his eyes at the way he was handing it.