Page 57 of Nash

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Page 57 of Nash

He’d arrivedand gone straight into a meeting with some stakeholders of thevineyard they’d invested in and afterward had taken a tour ofthe place.

He’d beenpushing himself too hard and, as a result, his mind was mush. Heshould get some sleep and, in the morning, he would have things inperspective. He was going to lay down some rules. Yes, he needed - no- just wanted. He didn’t need anyone.

The sex was amazing,he had to acknowledge that, but it was just sex. They’d seeeach other when it was convenient to him and he was the one callingthe shots, not her. He was going to make that clear as soon as he sawher.

She was free to seewhomever she pleased. His body went rigid at that and he knew hewouldn’t be able to bear that. He’d tell her that she hadto be faithful as long as they were together. With that settled, hefinished the drink and climbed into bed. For a long time, he couldn’tsleep as his body yearned for hers.


“I can’tbelieve you said that to him.” Michael laughed as he handed herthe glass of wine. She’d stopped by his place on her way fromwork. He’d ordered Chinese takeout and they were sitting in hiscozy living room finishing the sesame chicken.

“I can’tbelieve it myself.” She acknowledged with a wry smile as shestretched out her bare feet. She’d discarded the boots as soonas she came inside, along with her jacket. “It just popped outof my mouth.”

“You told himthat yesterday and he hasn’t called back?”

“Nope.”She shook her head. “I’m beginning to know him verywell.”

“You’rethinking he will avoid you.” Michael shook his head as hetopped up her wineglass. “I really admire you. For a woman totell a man the ‘L’ word and especially a man asformidable and scary as Nash Hamilton, you’re my hero.”

“Don’tpat me on the back yet.” She warned. “It might backfireon me.”

“You did say hefeels something for you.”

“He might justignore it. I hung up before he could say anything.” She addedwryly. “I took the coward’s way out and hung up and I’vebeen on tenterhooks ever since. I’ve been tempted to ask thatdragon of a assistant if she knew what was happening with him.”

“You could callhim.” Michael encouraged with a grin.

“I can justimagine how that would turn out. He wouldn’t answer or he’danswer in that cold, aggravating way of his and tell me off. The factI haven’t heard from him since making that stupid announcementmeans he might be thinking up ways of firing me or he’s justignoring me.”

She sighed into herwine. “Why do I operate this way? Why on earth can’t Ijust be like other women? He should be the one to say the ‘L’word and now I’ve put both of us in an awkward position.”

“True.”He grinned at her dark expression. “I’m just agreeingwith you. But, taking the initiative might give you an advantage.”

“In what way?Before you answer that, tell me this – what if this womanyou’re seeing, just pops up out of the blue and declares herlove for you. What would be your response?”

He shifted andavoided her eyes by pouring some more wine into his glass.

“You don’thave to answer. It’s written all over your face.”

“First of all –Henrietta, that’s her name, she isn’t the love of my lifeand we’re taking things slow. Having her call me and declaringher love for me would be highly inappropriate.

Secondly, you andHamilton seem to have something going on and this might be just thething to light a fire under him. I guarantee he isn’t going toignore you. Besides the fact that you’re in your face, you’realso beautiful, vivacious and always out there.”

She frowned at him.“Out there?”

“For want of abetter word.” He supplied with a grin.

“For a writer,you seem to lack vocabulary.”

“I can come upwith appropriate terms whenever the time calls for it.” Hesipped his wine, his eyes twinkling. “I’m betting thebillionaire is thinking about you right now. When is he due back?”

“Tomorrow.Hence the stop here to try and steady my nerves. He asked me over tohis place, that was before I blurted out the fact I’m notsharing him and I was in love with him.”

“Brazen andbold. Love it.”

“Oh, bite me.”She told him mildly. “I’m going to have to play it cool.He should be coming back into the office when he arrives and usually,I don’t get to see him, as I’m on the lowly secondfloor.” She took a sip of the wine. “So, definitelyplaying it cool and see what happens.”

“What if hedoesn’t call to remind you about his invitation?”

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