Page 36 of Nash
Nash had his doubtsabout the man, but had discovered he was the real deal. Jason hadnever asked for anything for himself and was always willing todispense with some much needed wisdom.
"Here you go."The blue eyes studied the vibrant man sat inside his kitchenthoughtfully. "I hear you’re due to appear on the Rosieshow. I like her and I think you made the right choice."
"I cancelledit." Nash shoveled in with a spoon, waiting for the piping hotstew to cool before taking a sip.
The simple word saideverything. Jason had a way of simplifying things.
"She called me acoward." The stew was delicious, something that didn’tsurprise him.
"No."Putting the spoon into the saucer, he placed his hands on thecounter, expression weary. "My PR. She was the one who set upthe interview."
"Is she right?"Jason sat across from him and stirred his stew.
"What do youthink?"
"I don't knowwhat to think, Nash. I’m not inside your head."
"I have to goaway on a trip."
"Have to, orwant to?"
Nash smiled slightly."I can’t go on a talk show and talk about my past."
"Yet you agreedto the interview."
"Under duress.The company has been experiencing some negative press."
"I’ve beenreading up. The airline and the problems surrounding the merger."
"Yes." Hepicked up the spoon again and resumed eating. "The PR departmenthas this idea that going on a talk show would do some good."
"I’ve alsobeen listening to the sound bites, that's what it's called, isn'tit?"
Nash nodded.
"Your PR lady isquite good." Jason smiled slightly. "She knows her stuffand the camera loves her. I admire her dimples." He gazed at theyoung man pointedly. "Is she new?"
"And she calledyou a coward?"
"Yes." Heclipped.
"Is she stillemployed?"
"For the moment,yes."
"I see." Hemurmured.
"I did somethingfoolish."
"Haven't we all?What do you call foolish?"
"I slept withher."