Page 37 of Nash

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Page 37 of Nash

"Oh." Thebushy eyebrows lifted. "I see."

"I’m sureyou do." Putting the spoon away again, he stared through thewindow absently. "She blazed into my office and called me out. Iwanted to strangle her for being so-"

"Adventurous andbrave? I don't expect anyone employed to you would have dared to doanything like that."

"She’seither very brave or very foolish."

"I don't thinkshe’s foolish. You feel something for her."

"Yes."Pushing away from the counter, he paced to the window to stare out atthe glittering snow dropping off the branches of the trees. It was adelightful place and always managed to create a peaceful atmospherefor his tattered soul.

A smile tugged at hislips as he wondered what the press would make of his closeassociation with a man of the cloth. Jason wasn’t intimidatedby who he was. He’d never been shy or afraid to tell him thetruth. "I don't know what the hell to do about it."

"Might I offer asuggestion?" His friend asked him mildly, not offended by theuse of the swear word.

"What would thatwould be?” Nash turned to face him.

“I’veknown you for well over twelve years now. You’re stubborn,unbending most of the time and very irritating all of the time. Yourefuse to take the good advice I give you and you allow unforgivenessto corrupt you. Aside from all your flaws, I’ve never seen youthis - shall we say upset? Over a female."

"What's theadvice?" Nash growled.

"It seems to methe time has for you to acknowledge that this situation is out ofyour control. This young lady has you tied in knots and there’sno way around it."

"There is. Icould fire her. She’s been rude-"

"You’d befacing a lawsuit because you crossed the line. I’ve seen theyoung lady at work and the way she fields questions from the press isremarkable. You’re not going to fire her on a whim."

Leaning his head backagainst the cold window pane, he closed his eyes briefly. He’dpractically run from his office, leaving things undone. His board waswaiting for him and he had some important calls to make.

After kissing her,after almost taking her right there against the wall, his lack ofcontrol had terrified him to the point where he had to get away.

He could sleep withher one more time to try and get her out of his head. Even thoughcommon sense was telling him that wasn’t going to happen. Heshouldn’t have touched her in the first place and going all theway had been a damned stupid thing to do.

"No. You’reright." He acknowledged quietly. He was completely unaware ofthe misery on his attractive face.

For the first time inhis life, he was at his wits end. He’d spent the first years ofhis life in complete misery and after that had turned off hisemotions and concentrated on getting rich. He’d grown into ahard shell of a man.

Now, for the firsttime in his entire life, he was unable to control his reactions to awoman he’d just met and one who works for him.

He was also mindfulof the fact she wasn’t afraid of him. She could give just whathe dished out.

"She’svery good at what she does, and she’s very irritating. Most ofthe time we meet, one of two things enters my mind. I either want tostrangle her or I-" He broke off and strode back to the counterto take his seat.

The stew was cooling,but he wasn’t sure he wanted any more of it. "She’san employee and I have rules." He said desolately. "OnesI’ve lived by since I formed my company."

"You don’tget romantically involved with your employees." Jason nodded atthe bowl. "You’re not wasting my food. I’m not madeof money, you know."

Nash smiled andpicked up the spoon. There were two people in his life he allowedsome sort of leeway, but Jason was the only one who didn’t carewho he was and always said what was on his mind.

He recalled wonderingwhy this gentle and caring man hadn’t been his father. He’dmentioned it one day during their usual talks and Jason had told himhe was flattered.

"I chose not togo the family way because I wanted to dedicate my life to my cause. Ibelieve in fostering young people and pointing them in the rightdirection." He’d looked at Nash.

"I believe thatwhat happened to you all those years ago made you into the man youare now. You’re incredibly strong and resourceful and you’veaccomplished so much it’s almost unbelievable. Obstacles makeus strong, Nash; you should remember that."

"What are yougoing to do?" The quiet voice intruded into his inner musings.

"I have noidea."

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