Page 35 of Nash
"Damn you tohell." His hand was pressed up against her throat, his facetaut. His long lean body was aligned with hers and he could feel hernipples poking at his chest, branding him. He wanted her. No, dammit,scratch that. He had to have her. His body was shaking, his hearthammering inside his chest.
His assistant wasoutside and his board was waiting for him and here he was caught upin a maelstrom of emotion so strong that he felt as if he was burningup from the inside. Bending his head, he took her lips in a kiss thatshook them both to the core.
Her hands came up togrip the front of his shirt as her body moved into his with aneagerness that was unmistakable. Her lips opened beneath the brutalassault, her body vibrating with the most incredible need.
His mouth gentled,his hands massaging her shoulders before digging into her hair tokeep her steady as his tongue dove into her mouth. His body pushedher back against the wall, the evidence of his enormous need searingthrough the material of her dress.
His hands weresliding the dress off her shoulders to get to her skin when the soundof the insistent buzzing of the intercom reached through the thickbuzzing inside his ears. Letting go of her, he stumbled back, as hestared at her.
"Get out."He whispered thickly.
Not even bothering toargue, she dragged the dress back in place before stumbling towardthe doors with shaky legs. Wrenching them open, she practically ranfrom the room in her haste to get away.
Nash stood there fora minute, before walking behind his desk, just as his assistanthurried in.
"You have a -"
"Give me a fewminutes and close the doors behind you." He told her harshly.Sinking down into the chair as soon as she did, he buried his head inhis hands, his body still shaking. He had no idea what the hell to doabout her.
Dragging his fingersthrough his hair, he gripped the strands, pulling at it until he feltactual pain. He was hard and he could still feel her lips on his.
Her nipples had lettheir imprint on his chest. He couldn’t concentrate and hedoubted he’d be able to get anything done today. She had a holdon him that was only getting tighter. Leaning back against the chair,he closed his eyes and tried taking several deep breaths. Leaningforward, he pressed the intercom.
"Reschedule themeeting with the board and cancel the others until I tell you."Without waiting for the woman to respond, he released the button.Rising, he picked up his jacket and overcoat and headed out.
She was happy therewas no one inside her office when she got there. Closing and lockingthe door behind her, she made her way over to her desk and sank downon the chair. She had no idea what the dragon of an assistant thoughtof her running out of the office and she didn’t care.
Pressing a hand toher wildly beating heart, she leaned back in the chair and closed hereyes. She’d wanted him to take her right then and there. Ithadn’t mattered to her that his assistant was just outside thedoor. She’d wanted to feel him deep inside her.
"Oh, God."She whispered hoarsely. It was getting worse each time they had anencounter. She couldn’t resist him and didn’t want to.She’d fallen in love with him and it was becoming moredifficult to keep it to herself.
He was attracted toher, that much was obvious, but she couldn’t afford to becomeone of the women he dangled on a string. She’d seen the longingon the artist's face when she thought no one was looking. The womanaccepted that he was with other people. She wasn’t thatgenerous. She didn’t like sharing, not that way.
She’d found outabout her ex and had dumped him immediately. She hadn’t been inlove with him, but the betrayal had cut like a knife. She was in lovewith Nash Hamilton and it would be much worse. Lifting her hands, shedragged her fingers through her hair restlessly.
She had no idea whatshe was going to do. They hadn’t resolved the problem of himappearing on the talk show, and she realized that now, they weren’tgoing to.
She couldn’t goback to him, not after what happened in his office. There was no wayshe was going back to his assistant. The woman probably hated herafter she had barged into his office.
She’d allowedherself to be led by her emotion and it’d backfired in moreways than one. Pressing her lips together, she rose and went tounlock her door. She was going to have to compose herself beforecalling in her crew.
"Nash, welcome.I didn’t expect to see you." Jason Gilroy greeted him witha wide smile as he gestured him into the small and simple home. "Iwas just about to sit down to lunch."
"I’m sureyou prepared enough for me."
"I always makeenough for two or three people. What a pleasant surprise."Taking Nash's overcoat, he hung it on the coat tree in the tinyhallway.
"Come in out ofthe cold. The weather dumped several inches of snow on us over thelast few days." The tall, wiry man with gray hair led the wayinto the cozy kitchen where the scent of beef soup permeated the air."Sit, please and let me pour you a bowl."
Nash took a seat atthe counter. He’d met Jason Gilroy more than a decade ago whenhe was going through his hardship. The man had walked up to him whenhe first starting making money and asked for a donation to help withthe children's home he was in charge of.
Nash had told himbluntly that he didn’t want to get involved. "Where thehell were you when I needed help?" He asked the man harshly."Where were you when I was living on the streets after beingabused by my old man and forced to run away?"
Jason hadn’ttaken offence, but had sat down and they’d started aconversation. Somehow, he’d managed to get Nash to make acommitment to the home and a friendship had started. The only thingJason asked was that he was never mentioned in any interview. "Ilive a simple life and want to remain that way."