Page 34 of Nash
Allison told herselfthat she ought to let it go. She should take several deep breaths andjust call Rosalyn and apologize. It didn’t matter that she hadbeen giving the press little sound bites to pique their interest.
It didn’tmatter she’d spent her time away from the company to write thespeech, to liaise with Rosalyn, who was a friend of hers, on thequestions she should stick to.
"Darling, I haveto say you’re a goddamned miracle worker. My assistant has beentrying to get Nash Hamilton to commit to an interview without anysuccess at all. I know I’m not the only talk show host who hasbeen salivating about interviewing the great man. You’ve onlybeen at the company for three weeks and got him to say yes."
Now, she was going tohave to call Rosalyn, after all the time they’d put into it andtell her he was leaving. She should let it go and not allow temper tolead her into doing something she was going to regret. That mindsetlasted for about two minutes, before she pushed away from her deskand marched out of her office.
Her body wasvibrating by the time she arrived at the doorway leading into theassistant's office. The woman glanced up from the desktop, herexpression wintry.
"Is he in?"
"I presumeyou’re talking about M. Hamilton." The frosty voiceresponded.
"You presumecorrectly. Is he in?"
"Not that it’sany of your concern, but he’s preparing for the first of theyear meeting with the board. I sent you an email about theinterview-"
"I received it."
"Good. then it'ssettled."
"Not by a longshot. You don’t have to announce me."
"What are youdoing?" Allison reached the door when the woman jumped up fromher chair and rushed towards her.
"Watch and see."Sweeping the doors open, she walked into the room.
"I’ll dealwith this." With a flick of his hand, he dismissed the concernedwoman. "Please close the doors on your way out."
Giving Allison a lookthat could pulverize rocks, she swept from the room and closed thedoors behind her.
"What’sthis about?"
Allison had to make aconscious effort not to react to seeing him. This was the first timesince that night in the back of his car and she felt the overwhelmingyearning settling in the pit of her stomach.
"Ms. Simpson!Are you just going to stand there?"
"You’recancelling the interview."
"Yes." Heclipped.
"You didn’teven have the decency to send the email yourself." Her darkbrown eyes flashed as she advanced further into the room.
"That’swhy I have an assistant. I have to go away and it can’t behelped."
"Or you’rea coward who doesn’t want the public to get to know the realyou."
The silence wasfraught with tension and she took a step back when he rose slowly.He’d discarded his suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves of hisshirt. "You dare speak to me like that?" He’d comefrom behind his desk and was approaching her, stalking her like apredator with the intention of pouncing.
Allison felt the fearblooming inside her, but refused to let him see how frightened shewas. "You think that because I had you in the back seat of mycar means that we’re equals? That we’re friends orlovers?" He stopped in front of her, his dark eyes raking herface.
She’d decidedto wear her hair loose for her first day back and the dark curlstumbled around her face. Her lips were shiny with the raspberry lipgloss the exact shade of the dress that clung to her voluptuouscurves.
"Is that whatyou think?" His voice had turned husky and, to his helplessfury, he felt the familiar tug of desire, the madness spreadingthroughout his body. He’d told Maxwell that whatever he had todo, he was going to forget her.
"I - we workedhard on getting you that interview." She swallowed the lump inher throat. "You can’t just cancel-" She broke offwith a gasp as he pushed her up against the wall.