Page 11 of When You Know You Know
He throws me a sharp look, then takes out ten pounds and with that my excitement dies.
“I forgot to pay for me and my business partner just the other day at the coffee shop,” he says and I nod, accepting the money.
“Thanks, I’ll make sure to hand it over to the manager,” I murmur and he clears his throat. It’s a deep, rumbling sound that makes me feel strangely protected.
Maybe it’s one of those ancient, leftover instincts. If your caveman knows how to properly clear his throat, the dinosaurs will think,ah...better stay away from that one.
“You do that.” Blaise turns around but then I say,
“Why did you come all the way here to give me that? You could have gone to the coffee shop.”
He tenses, then whips his head around in a weirdly animalistic way and fixes me with his eyes as if I should’ve kept quiet.
“Said I did it as to not forget,” he answers but since I’ve never been careful with my words, I blurt,
“Sounds like the lamest excuse ever.”
Blaise’s eyes flare in fury like nobody talks like this to him but luckily I’m thick skinned.
“Not that I would assume that you came here for my sake,” I murmur and look up at him innocently but he doesn’t fall for it.
“Well, well look who’s thinking highly of themselves now,” he says with narrowed eyes throwing my own words back at me and it makes me want to stomp my foot. Why does he always have to have the upper hand?
But I don’t let it show that it gets to me.
Tilting my head to the side, I ask sweetly, “Why won’t you fund me?”
He seems unaffected by my attempts to charm him. “Because Miss. Crichlow,” he says silkily but with extreme eyes, “I sadly have no desire to fund you.”
I straighten in my chair. “That can be changed and do you know what I think?” I don’t wait for his answer. “I think you’re going to give up and end up funding me so hard until steam comes out of your ears.”
“Is that so,” he says dryly before his eyes drop down and I catch him staring at my boobs. And then I’m reminded o I’m not wearing a bra and that the lumps are probably just flopping wildly enough for me to braid them.
Blushing furiously, I cross my arms and he abruptly looks away.
“All right then,” he rasps and his voice sounds hoarse. He brushes a hand over his mouth and somehow makes it look arousing. “I should get going.”
“Mr. Pendragon,” I say quickly and he stops for a sec. “Look, if you do decide to come back to the coffee shop I promise I won’t nag you about aid.”
Throwing me an unreadable glance he says, “Very well.” He opens the door. “Good night.”
And with that the door slams. I rush over to the window and curl up on the windowsill. A blizzard is going on outside, the street dark except from the golden light from the lamp posts.
When Blaise walks out I press my nose to the glass to see him better. And as if he knows that I’m spying on him, he stops and looks straight up at my window. Breaths puff out of his parted lips and it makes my inside twist.
Wonder what it would be like to breathe in a man like that…
I gasp when our eyes zoom in on each other, holding and lingering before he abruptly breaks the contact and I exhale. Shoving his hand into his pockets he swiftly gets into the cab waiting for him and I’m struck by how different we are.
I’m most at home in the water, but land is where he is himself the most. He’s far from awkward and acts like he’s thinking five steps ahead. I can’t even think a half step ahead.
Sighing I look up, only to see a kid point at me and me laugh. She puts her finger to her nose, making a snout and I remove my face from the glass, ignoring the grease stain.
Grimacing back, we make ugly faces at each other for a good thirty seconds before her mother comes and ushers her away from the crazy woman in the window.
I crawl under the covers, feeling the essence of Blaise still in my apartment and I catch the faintest hint of 300 dollar cologne in the air. My mind tells me that I messed up with Blaise and that it’s too late to fix it but a little feeling in my stomach tells me I’m wrong.
Besides, I shouldn’t take his behavior personally. I already know he’s an ass to everyone. But...I still can’t help but to wonder how he treats people that are special to him.