Page 10 of When You Know You Know
Taking off my soggy coat, I step out of my even soggier shoes and run into the bathroom, to dry and change into something warm. I decide on fleece pants with little mermaids and a light blue t-shirt.
Walking into the adjoined kitchen, I grab a bag of potato chips and pop open a bottle of wine. With my little stash in tow, I crawl into bed and watch the snow whip against the window while munching on my snack. This isn’t so bad after all.
I grab my phone and scroll through social media, to see what my friends back home are up to. Most things are the same, not much has changed but seeing them hang out in groups with huge smiles on their faces makes my heart clench, because I can’t be there with them.
And then there’s the photo that my mom has put up of their newly born bull cow. He’s so freaking cute and he’s sporting bangs that would make most fashionistas walking the streets of Newcastle , crazy jealous.
Taking a sip of wine, I nearly choke on the liquid when there’s a forceful knock on the door and I tense, immediately thinking of burglars.
What the heck? Now? Its nine thirty and I’m not expecting anyone. Brushing away pieces of chips on my top I get up and look through the peephole.
A steady, no-nonsense gaze meets mine even though he can’t see me and I bite my lip.
What’s he doing here?
“Miss. Crichlow, are you going to open or just let me stand out here like a fool?” he growls and I twitch.
“Of c...course,” I stutter, immediately opening the door. He throws me a suspicious look but doesn’t say anything and I get out of the way.
“Come on in,” I say and he does, even though he looks like he’s in a hurry. Then again he always looks like he’s in a hurry. I wonder if he ever does anything relaxing. Like pigs out in bed for instance?
“This is where you live?” is the first thing he asks and he doesn’t sound impressed, looking around with slight distaste at the beige walls and brown furniture’s that I’m renting and I joke,
“Sadly yes.”
Still scanning the place, he doesn’t smile but throws a quick look at the TV. “What are you watching?”
“Uh...” I say wishing I’d turned off the TV, “Naked and Afraid.”
Blaise nods pensively. “Is that a thriller?”
I snigger a little. “Nope, it’s about naked strangers trying to survive in the wild.”
He rolls his eyes.
“Sounds stupid,” he snorts and I sigh because I bet everything seems stupid to him. He’s probably one of those people who thinks Valentine’s Day is stupid. And don’t even get me started on Christmas…
Leaning against a chair, I ask, “I’m gonna make a random guess but when you were a kid you never believed in mermaids, did you?”
“I believed in myself,” Blaise says, looking downright condescending. “Not silly fairy-tales.”
“Of course, I forgot how sensible you are,” I mutter, not mentioning that some of us still believe in fairy-tales. “Can I offer you anything by the way?” I ask, walking into the kitchen and rummage through the shelves. “Think I should have some jello and I think there’s a couple of carrots in the fridge...”
“Carrots?” Blaise asks, sounding perplexed. “You’re offering me carrots?”
I throw a look over my shoulder. “To put on the jello of course.”
Blaise blows out a breath. “Why just stop at carrots? Why not add parsnips and radishes too while you’re at it?” he grits and I screw up my nose.
“Now, that’s just nasty,” I respond and he stares at me in bafflement. And at my colorful pajama pants that looked so sophisticated when I bought at them at Target but now they feel about as flattering as a diaper.
“Don’t bother getting me anything. I’m not hungry,” he says with a frown and I shrug, sitting down on a chair while he remains standing close to the door. And he still has his coat on.
“How about I grab your coat?” I ask but he shakes his head.
“I’m not staying long. I just came to get something over with so that I don’t forget.”
I raise my brows and gasp when he takes out his leather wallet.