Page 12 of When You Know You Know
Twitching in bed, I put a pillow over my head when my inner mermaid lets me know I shouldn’t be getting any ideas.
She’s probably right. She usually is.
The damn bitch.
In life there’s nothing worse than failure. I hate it, run from it and I’m pretty good at avoiding it. My father, Pendragon senior ruled me with an iron fist and for that I am grateful. I’ve always had to be the best at everything, the best rugby player, straight A student, the man who everyone avoid but who everyone want to be.
I’m not ashamed to say that if people don’t envy me then they fear me. And I want them to fear me, because it’s easier doing business that way. If I show myself weak, the consequences could be detrimental.
The few friends I have I’ve known since childhood and the constant need to always need to watch my back has made me something of a ruthless monster.
At times it’s exhausting but necessary, since I have people wanting to stab me both left and right but I’m not solely coldblooded. Those who know me very, very well know that there’s another side to me. I rarely let it up to the surface, only on exceptional occasions and only if the other person deserves it.
I have a sharp mouth, sharp temper and for that I do not apologize. To do that would be to admit weakness and I have none of those. At 33 I’m in the top five richest bachelors in Europe and I lack nothing in my life.
I have yachts, aircrafts, estates in every possible corner of the world and right now I have plans on buying a submarine.
Why not? Just for the fun of it.
I want nothing and I don’t need anything.
Rubbing my eyes I lean back in my chair and put my hands behind my head.
I might possibly want one thing. And her name is Miss. Zerena Crichlow.
A woman I accidentally saw one day when Felix insisted we have our meeting at a coffee shop that has the best muffins in town.
Usually I don’t take my meetings in a damn coffee shop, but ever since I saw Zerena I haven’t been able to stop going there. I’m wasting time on the chit because I want to get her into bed and screw her thoroughly into the next year. And that...
Drives me bloody crazy.
It was all somewhat fine as long as she kept her distance and I could discreetly watch her in the windows while she was working. She was the worst waitress I’d ever seen. And the most exquisite.
Big blue eyes, pinkish skin, a body with thick curves I want to spend days learning. And long coppery hair that sways down to the small of her back. The color looks artificial of course which would have made someone like my father deem her as good mistress material.
Waitresses are excellent for shagging,he once told me with wink.But boy, don’t you dare get involved with one.Safe to say I’m not much for taking other people’s advice or listen to their opinions or ideas.
I don’t know how many people have tried to estimate my wealth, financial magazines, gossip magazines and women’s magazines. They all got it wrong but I like to keep people guessing. More fun like that, see them squirm, their foreheads furrowing from greed when they start speculating about just how much they can squeeze out of me.
Not that anyone succeeds. Ever.
Zerena must have read those magazines too, though she doesn’t seem like the type. She strikes me as too wholesome for that, too sunny, too well brought up to use other people for her own benefit. There’s nothing calculating about her and a better explanation would have been that someone set her up to go after me.
Maybe those two sidekicks of hers, she’s always whispering with. And they’re not even that discreet about it and I suspect I’ve been under their radar ever since I first stepped into that coffee shop.
In any other situation I would have stayed away from the place, but now I can’t since there’s bait and I just can’t stop going for it. She’s like a little toy, seductively dangling herself in front of my face until I lose all self-control.
It’s a feeling I’m unused to. I’m used to being in control all the time, of my family, friends, employees, acquaintances and anyone who decides that they’re brave enough to try to tame me.
They always fail. I’m not interested in being tamed. But I have to admit, that Zerena has gained my attention with her Banshee to Bogeyman project. Or maybe it’s just her I’m interested in and not the project.
Sighing, I throw a look out my glass doors only to see those of my employees that are still here after office hours, yawn and pick up their phones.