Page 5 of Finding Answers For Confused Succubi
The bartender nods and goes to pull the pints.
Carmel looks at her phone and groans.
"The girlfriend?"
She nods and shows me the screen.
< What time are you getting home?>
"Itoldher that we had a HeartSoc meeting and when it would be over, but it's not good enough for her.What's she expecting me to do?Not go?Not hang out with my friends?"
"I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding."
The bartender places two pints down in front of us and I pull up my phone app to pay for them.
"Thanks for this," Carmel says."I just don't know what to do about the whole thing, it's getting to the point where it's a problem."
"You could break up with her," I point out.
"Eurgh, you must think I'm ridiculous.A cupid with romance problems?"She takes a sip of her cider.
"Then what does that say about me?"I joke."I've not dated since I got to the academy."
"That's true.We should set you up."
"I'm fine without dating," I remind her.
"Because you're ace?"
"It does make it a bit harder," I point out."But no, I've got enough going on with studying and all this HeartSoc stuff."
"You're lucky you're not having to deal with relationship drama."
"Just imagine how much Rico has to deal with," I joke, picking up my pint and taking a drink.
She wrinkles her nose."He's way too high-strung.Can you believe the way he's acting about the cupid advice thing?"
"I heard his mother is putting a lot of pressure on him."Not that it explains everything, I just think he's an over-achiever who expects the best.
"Is his mother anyone special?"
"She's Madam Cupid."
Carmel's eyes widen."No way?As in the one who is launching a new dating show?"
"That's the one."
"I had no idea."
"I think he keeps it quiet, I only know because I saw them together when we were all moving in."Which had been a bit of a shock to me, especially as I never expected to see a celebrity on campus.
"Okay, well that explains everything about him.I should be more understanding, it can't be easy having one of the world's most famous matchmakers as a mother.Ah great, now I feel bad for him."
I chuckle and take a sip of my pint."Don't feel that sorry for him.He's still busting us a bit too hard over the whole cupid-advice thing."
"Hmm, true.But maybe I'll try and be less frustrated with him."