Page 6 of Finding Answers For Confused Succubi
"I'd like to see you try."I know her well enough by this point to know she won't change.I take another sip of my pint, enjoying the tart taste of the cider.Despite the fact this is the student union's bar, it's surprisingly good stuff they have on tap.
"So, is there anyone who has caught your eye?"Carmel asks."I got a brief flicker of something when you mentioned that girl from your psychology class."
I raise an eyebrow."A flicker?"
"Mmhmm, from you."She waves her hand down me."Probably the most I've ever felt from you, which isn't saying much."
I shrug."I'm not very interested in dating."
"So you keep saying.The girl from your study group?"
"I'm still not interested in dating, but she's sweet, and smart," I admit, my mind drifting to Mandy.I don't know exactly what it is about her, but I do think she's more interesting than a lot of the people I meet.But that still doesn't mean I want to date.
"You can't take the romantic out of the cupid," Carmel says."Don't blame me for trying."
I chuckle."All right, but I doubt I'm going to end up falling for any of your tricks."
"Which is a shame, you're a catch."
My mind wanders to what she said about Mandy, trying not to focus too much on the fact Iknowwho she's talking about.I don't think it's necessarily a romantic thing, but there is something about her that makes me want to get to know her more, I just don't know what it is.
I suppose it doesn't matter, because even if Idoget to know Mandy better, it's still not going to be a romantic situation, no matter how much Carmel might try and decide otherwise.
Every stepcloser to the fancy-looking building housing a succubi and incubi club causes the gnawing sensation within me to intensify.There's a small voice in the back of my head asking me why I'm here, but I know the answer to that.
I've gone too long as it is without feeding my magic, and now it's time to pay the bill, even if I am tempted to go back to my flat and eat my weight in ice cream to see if that will work to dull down the gnawing.It won't work, especially as the feeding analogy doesn't get very far in describing what happened with my magic.
I take a deep breath and head to the door.Getting this over with is the best way I can possibly deal with it.
"Good evening," a chipper receptionist says."Welcome to Club Talon."
"Hi."My voice comes out as barely more than a squeak."I'm Amanda Forcett, I called earlier."
"Let me just check the list, Miss Forcett, ah yes.I see your name here.I'll need to check your ID."
I nod and pull my purse out of my bag, fishing out my ID and sliding it across to her.
She takes it from me, and I stand waiting nervously despite knowing there shouldn't be a problem with it.I'm over eighteen and a succubus, those are the two criteria I need to get in the door.
"All right, everything is all good here.It says you've paid the fee online," she says, handing my ID back over to me."Here's your wristband, it'll open locker forty-two, tell people what you are and can be used to log drinks.You need to go down the corridor and to the left, you want the door with the pink diamond on the front.You'll change and then go through to the other room."
I nod and slip the band around my wrist."Thanks."I slip my ID back into my purse and offer the receptionist a shaky smile.When it becomes clear she's not going to say anything else, I head in the direction she instructed, pausing in front of the door with the pink diamond like she said to.
More than a small part of me wants to run away even though I'm already here.The gnawing feeling inside me is the only thing that keeps me rooted in place.
"Come on, Mandy," I mutter, gathering up all my courage and pushing through into the other room.
It kind of looks like a spa, with rows of cubicles, a couple of showers and some sinks.It's so normal looking, and I suppose that's because itisnormal for most succubi.Just not for me.
At least there's no one else in the room so I don't have to explain my reluctance.Though maybe that would be easier in some ways.It would make me feel more like I should be going through with this.
Footsteps sound from the other room and I dart into the nearest cubicle.The lock sounds surprisingly loud as I slide it into place, causing me to wince even if I'm not doing anything wrong.
I sit on the bench and stare at the back of the door where a list of guidelines is written in a utilitarian font.