Page 47 of Room Thirty: Perfect Little Doll
“Oh.” I blushed, and his lips touched mine.
“You ready for us, princess?” The question was heavy and loaded.
Am I ready?
“Hell, yeah,” I whispered confidently.
I’d never been surer of anything in my life.
Before I knew it, I started to laugh at Carey’s crazy antics. He lifted me up like a groom would his bride, and we crossed the threshold of Room Thirty’s door. I felt the other two men close behind us after the door shut. The distinct sound of a lock clicked in place.
We were actually going to do this, and there was no turning back.
Excitement prickled at my already too warm skin. Carey set me down. The smile I gave him faded as he moved out of the way and I took in the room.
“Oh my god,” I whispered, unable to believe my eyes. “You guys did this for me?” The three men of my dreams simply nodded. Like what they had done was no big deal. If they only knew just how much it meant to me.
I had already decided to jump in and see where things went, but if I hadn’t, any and all traces of doubt would have faded away right then and there.
I knew in my gut and heart and soul I was exactly where I was supposed to be.
Everything I had been through, the good and the bad, the people who were supposed to love me and hadn’t, the loss of my grandmother, all of it had been so I could be standing in that room with them.
My feet felt like they were light, almost floating off the hardwood floor as I looked around the space. I knew they’d set this up just for me. They’d decorated it like the room in the magazine I had pinned on the cork board of my office.
With nothing to worry about, not even about getting my heart broken, I smiled knowing I had found exactly where I belonged.
Between the three of them.
Serena lookedaround the room and smiled so brightly I had to rest my hand over my chest. Our girl was so pretty it fucking hurt to look at her. Fox and Ronan had made a great call with that dress.
Surrounded by the lush green plants with hanging stems, the dark teal, and black bedding, the sight of her stood out like a star in a pitch-black night. The way it fit had me torn between wanting to carry her around in my pocket and ripping the material to shreds with my bare hands to finally have her.Claim her.
Because that was exactly what tonight was.
There was no turning back.
She looked innocent, almost pure. But the sparkle in her eyes gave her away. Not to mention the way she licked her lips. It hinted at the dirty, little girl who lay beneath the surface.
One we were going to bring to life.
“Are those beignets?”
“From the place you like,” Ronan shared, but I didn’t turn to look at her. Ronan was like that. For him, food was a love language. Feeding others, making sure he knew what they preferred. But that would all be for later.
After we worked up an appetite.
“Come here, doll,” I ordered. Her head popped up to look at me. She shivered, and my dick throbbed. The fucker had a goddamn pulse because of her. The moment she was within reach, I pulled her close and spun her around so her back was pressed to my front. I was on edge, my self-control about to snap.
“You smell so good, baby girl,” I growled, licking the side of her neck.
“Carey,” she whimpered, tilting her head the other way to give me space to keep exploring her neck.
“We love you, Serena.” Her relaxed body stiffened, and I tsked. “None of that, baby,” I muttered. “I know this feels fast, but we all knew the moment we saw you. The very first time our eyes locked on you, our souls knew you were for us.”
Her breathing changed, and I could feel the confusion radiating from her. It was my turn to explain. “They didn’t want to wait. It was me, Serena. These last six months have been my fault, but you gotta know, in a way, I don’t regret it. For a moment, I gotta be honest, I did. But the more I think about it, about us? These last months have given you a chance to get to know us, really get to fucking know us. Better than anyone ever has.”