Page 46 of Room Thirty: Perfect Little Doll
The dress was a thing of beauty. Something Fox had seen in the window of a shop that first trip and had snapped a picture of and sent it to me. By that time, Carey had told us to keep our hands to ourselves. But I think deep down we knew the four of us were inevitable. It was why I’d told Fox to buy it for her.
It had a corseted top and held her breasts beautifully, almost like an offering. They looked so full and ripe they made my mouth water for a taste. It tied up at the back and made her waist look even smaller than it was. Knowing exactly what she was wearing against her skin, a set I’d chosen, made it almost impossible to breathe.
The skirt of her dress poofed out just a little, exposing a small lace ruffle at the bottom. With her hair down in waves, pinned half up in a matching bow, it made her look exactly what she was to us.
A perfect little doll.
Ourperfect little doll.
One we were about to make a mess of. One who had just confessed that she wanted everything we could give her, and we were about to claim all that beauty and so much more. Knowing Serena wanted to take the three of us at the same time tonight was going to kill me.
“We will take it slow. We won’t hurt you,” I promised her. The look she gave me made me feel like a goddamn king.
“I know. None of you would ever hurt me.” The love reflected in the dark orbs of her eyes and the sincerity in her voice made me want to keel over.
She humbled me.
All I could manage to do in that moment was nod. I cleared my throat. “Anything else you need to talk about before you walk in with me?”
“Nothing else.” I swallowed and took a step away from her. Extending my hand, I waited for her to take it, and when she did, I knew there was no turning back.
She was going to be ours, and we were going to work like hell to make her happy day in and day out.
I feltlike my heart was going to beat so hard it was going to jump out of my chest. We took a step forward, and I stopped. Ronan turned to look at me, and I couldn’t stop the words that tumbled out of my mouth.
“Thank you.” I swallowed and tried not to wince at how stupid I was about to sound.
“Everything okay?” Fox and Carey stood at the doorway, their eyes trained on me. I could feel their gazes devouring me as they took me in for the first time wearing the dress they’d chosen for me.
One I had eyed that first trip together.
I had been waiting for them and stood in front of the window, admiring it from outside the store. I had never seen a prettier dress, but no way was I ever dreaming of buying it for myself.
But they had.
They’d bought it for me.
“Nothing. I just…” I sighed and made a face. “I’m terrible at this,” I chastised myself. “I’m trying to take a moment before we walk in there together, to say thank you. If we walk in there, and for whatever reason, you three decide I’m not the right fit or change your minds—”
“That’s not going to happen,” Ronan growled, but he quieted at the smile I gave him.
“Even if that happened, this is by far the best day of my life. You three… are by far the best things to happen to me. And I need you guys to know that.” I swallowed. “You are more than daddies to me.” My voice dropped. “You guys are my friends. Other than Coco, the closest ones I have.”
“Good,” Fox grunted.
“We want to be that and more,” Ronan added.
Carey stepped forward and took my hands in his as his body bent down so we were at eye level. “You gotta stop being so fucking sweet in the hallway.”
“Because we can’t show you our appreciation out here.”
“It’s a sex club—"
“Yeah, and it’ll happen over my dead body that anyone sees any more than they already have with you wearing that pretty-as-fuck dress.”