Page 30 of Rescuing Kaye
“Threatening? Controlling. Sometimes, when I go out, I get a sense I’m being followed.”
“You should trust your gut. You believe he’s stalking you?”
“I have no proof.”
“I would suggest letting the Guardians watching over this house know about the threats. They’re watching for something coming from Maximus Angelo, Carmen’s father, and won’t know to look out for a potential stalker.”
“I’m embarrassed to mention it.”
“You have no reason to be embarrassed and plenty of reason to have extra eyes on it.”
“Thanks. I feel a bit foolish, but this really helps. Thank you for letting me talk about it. I didn’t know who to ask about the D/s stuff.”
“If you have any other questions, you can ask me anytime.”
“Thanks. Although, it won’t be much of an issue for long.”
“How’s that?”
“I’ll be moving in August.” My tone shifts.
“You don’t sound happy about that. Why are you moving?”
“I’m moving to Davis.”
“Graduate school?”
“Vet school.”
“Congratulations. Why aren’t you happy about it?”
“I thought I was.”
“I may be overstepping, and please, don’t attach too much significance to what I say, but I’m a good read of other people. Can I give you a word of advice?”
“Of course.”
“Do what’s best for you. I’ve known you for just a moment, but I sense you’re struggling with the move. You’re not leaving anyone behind. You’re leaving your friends to pursue your dream. That dream may, or may not, include them in the future. If it does, it’s going to be different from what the three of you share now. Don’t be afraid of change.”
“Wow, that’s…”
“Too much?” He arches a brow. “Too direct?”
“Yes and yes, but also no.” I place my hand on his arm and feel the steel beneath his skin. The man is solid. “Your words are far more direct than I’d otherwise be comfortable with, but also incredibly timely. I’ve been struggling for a while, and I think I just needed someone to tell me it’s going to be okay.”
“Trust me.” Paul places his hand over mine. “It’s going to be okay. Walk your path and trust your dreams. In life, we make new friends all the time. People come and go. It’s up to us to recognize the friends who anchor us and keep them around, while welcoming new people into our lives. It’s the way we grow.”
“That’s funny.” I can’t help but laugh. “There’s a Girl Scout song that says just that.”
“I know the one.”
“You do?”
“Yes, my sister Piper used to sing it nonstop.” Paul clears his throat, then surprises me with a voice that can only be described as touched by God.
* * *
Make new friends,