Page 31 of Rescuing Kaye
But keep the old.
One is silver,
And the other, gold.
A circle’s round,
It has no end.
That’s how long,
I’m gonna be your friend.
* * *
“Wow.”I take a step back, truly amazed. “How did you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Get in my head like that?”
“It’s what makes me a good Dom. Barbi and Carmen form the foundation of your circle. They’re your gold; the strongest bonds you’ll form. When you leave, you’ll make new friends. Those will be important to you, but never as solid as your foundation.”
“I feel like you’re a sage. Speaking the truths of the universe.”
“Don’t think too highly of me. I may look like I’ve got it all figured out, but even I’m navigating my own minefield.” His gaze flicks up, toward the roof, where Forest and Sara wait.
“Are things…”
“Forest is keeping something from us. He’s trying to be strong—stoic, if you will—when he should be leaning on those closest to him. I wish I could smack some sense into him, but our dynamic follows other paths.”
“You seem to be very tuned into those around you. I don’t know what Forest is keeping from you and Sara, but surely you and Sara, working together, can navigate that minefield together.”
“And that is perfect advice.” He grips my arm and leans down to plant a kiss on my forehead. “I think we have each helped the other tonight.”
Just then, the doorbell rings, breaking the odd spell hanging over us.
“That’s probably the pizza guy. Why don’t you head up with the glasses and plates, and I’ll follow with the pizzas?”
“Sounds perfect.” Paul takes the glasses and plates from me, then trots up the stairs headed to the roof.
It may be me—I’ve never been good at reading other people—but I sense Paul needs to rejoin his throuple.
Whatever that is.
With pizza on my mind, I head to the front door. When I pass Barbi’s room—my room now—I duck inside to grab my purse and dig out a tip for the delivery person. When I make it to the front door, however, there’s no sign of anyone at all.
No pizza.
No delivery guy.
No double-parked car outside.
I lean out, casting up and down the street, but nobody’s there.
“Odd.” I’m about to shut the door when I spy a small package tucked into the corner of the stoop. Not knowing if Barbie, or Carmen were expecting a delivery, I carry it inside and place it on the kitchen counter.