Page 29 of Rescuing Kaye
He’s the founder of Guardian Hostage Rescue Specialists. His entire vision is to create a world where those who are weak are not preyed upon by those stronger than themselves. How could a man like that cede authority to another?
Paul watches me parse this in my head. He doesn’t push. Doesn’t force. In fact, he does nothing I’d expect from a Dom. And yes, like the rest of the world, I’m very familiar with the BDSM lifestyle thanks to the extraordinary success of Fifty Shades of Grey.
“Forest and Sara,” Paul begins, “are a traditional pairing. Forest and I are the exact opposite: a male-male dyad. Sara and I are the two halves who make Forest whole. We’re both exactly what he needs, yet not enough on our own to fill the void within him.”
“Two halves who make him whole?” My curiosity about Forest, and his partners, Sara and Paul, delves deeper than it should. “I tried something like that.”
“A D/s relationship, but it didn’t work out.”
“It doesn’t always.” He appears sympathetic, which helps me open up to him. I have certain questions, things that have bothered me about Scott, and no one to ask. Paul may have answers.
“Is it typical for the Dom to do what he wants?”
“That depends.” Paul tips his head sideways.
“Okay…” I pull at my chin, thinking I may have been too harsh cutting Scott off.
“I sense a deeper question. Please, feel free to ask. I have extensive experience in the lifestyle.”
Normally, I wouldn’t share any of my thoughts like this, but Paul makes me feel safe.
“It’s just that I broke things off with my boyfriend.”
“He was your Dom?”
“I’m not exactly sure.”
“That’s not something that should ever be in question.”
“It was more of a gradual thing. Does that make any sense?”
“Regardless, a D/s dynamic isn’t something that is agradual thing.You broke things off. Why?”
“I caught him with another woman.”
“In your dynamic, was that something that was allowed?”
“No.” I pull back in shock. “Not at all.”
“I ask because sometimes such things are a part of the exploration of power exchange. But I take it this was a violation of trust?”
“And the D/s? Can you explain more of your dynamic? It may help me provide advice.”
“Well, that’s just the thing. I mean, I know about BDSM, thanks to Fifty Shades. Scott is definitely dominant, in bed and out. We never officially labeled it. Over time, he became more controlling, more demanding—and when I caught him, I called things off. He says I can’t do that. I guess I’m wondering if I messed up. Did I misunderstand?”
“I don’t like to assume, but I have this to say. First off, there should be no question whether you’re in a D/s relationship. It’s the responsibility of both parties to fully discuss the dynamic and consent to the exchange of power, but in particular, it’s the Dom who’s responsible for ensuring the details of the relationship are firmly established. Each one is exceptionally unique, so it’s difficult to speak for all, but that’s a minimum. It sounds to me like you were not involved in a D/s relationship. It also appears that Scott violated the trust in your relationship with him.”
“He says things aren’t over until he says they are, and that I’ll regret leaving him.”
“Definitely not a Dominant. It sounds to me like he’s controlling and domineering. Those are red flags. You were right to leave him, and I wouldn’t give him the time of day. You owe him nothing.”
“Thanks. That’s what I’m trying to do. His texts are concerning.”