Page 22 of When We Were Eighteen
Venus stirred in her seat and then said, “I am not going to be able to sleep if you two continue talking the entire way.”
“Sorry. Damien, we can talk tonight, when we’re alone.” I saw her wink at me in the mirror.
You’re enjoying giving it to your mother as much as I am. It’s a shame that it’s not real.
MaKayla was unique and another time, this would be a totally different trip and her mother definitely wouldn’t be with us.
I looked at myself in the mirror one last time before turning around to talk to my mother. “We won’t be out too late,” I said.
“I hope not. He is driving and needs his rest,” she replied.
“We can sleep in late in the morning. No need to get up with the sun.”
“You know I’m a morning person,” she stated. “And traffic is light at that time of day too. It seems like a good idea to travel then.”
“What you mean is, it is a good idea for me not to spend too much time alone with Damien tonight. But mother, I’m twenty-five. I can stay out past ten and still function the next day,” I reminded her.
There was a knock on the door, and I went to answer it. “Hi Damien,” I said, giving him a hug. I could feel mom watching me, disapproving of this.
He took my hand and said, “Maybe we can skip the walk and find a nice quiet place for dessert. We can even share one, so we won’t feel guilty about eating it instead of getting exercise.”
“Cheesecake?” I asked.
He pulled me close and whispered, but not too softly so my mother couldn’t hear, “Anything you want.”
I smiled up at him and then turned to my mother. “Good night, Mom. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“I’ll probably still be up when you return,” she warned.
I closed the door behind me and couldn’t hold back my emotions any longer. “I’m a horrible person, but she is being so...”
“Motherly?” he said as we headed for the car.
I nodded. “Which would be great if I were a teenager, but she wasn’t even like this back then. I have no idea why she is doing this now.”
“She obviously doesn’t like me.”
I stopped and looked up at him. “Why not. You’re attractive, successful, and have great manners. What is there not to like?”
“A mother has a sense when something is not right. She must be picking up that this is not real. That I'm not here with the right intentions,” he stated.
“Then I guess I better work harder to make her believe that you are.”
“Or maybe I can win her over by having you back early tonight like she requested,” he suggested. “Obviously pushing her only puts up more walls.”
“True. Does this mean no cheesecake?” I asked.
Damien chuckled. “No. I’m more afraid of what you’d do to me if I denied you that treat tonight.”
“Or if you actually try to share one with me,” I grinned. “You might want to keep that fork to yourself,” I warned.
When we got to his car, I realized that we were still holding hands. I didn’t want to break the contract, but it had just been for a show for my mom. So why did it feel so nice and why was it so hard to let go?
But Damien released my hand and opened the car door. I slipped into the passenger seat and let out a long exhale after he closed the door. I knew what the problem was. I’d never faked anything before and now that I was, I was getting caught up in it.