Page 21 of When We Were Eighteen
I’d like to have that answer before any information is released to MaKayla. Venus might be her real mother, but that doesn’t make her innocent.Damn. I sound more like Brian all the time.I had no issues with the FBI. Our paths had crossed many times while working on various cases. There were times they would reach out to me for assistance as well because my hands weren’t tied by red tape like theirs were. I’d never waited for a search warrant. Didn’t need one. I wasn’t law enforcement. We did the same thing, just differently.
“What are you going to do if you find she’s involved in something illegal?” Brian asked.
“She’s not a US citizen, so I am not sure what I can do. Guess I’ll have to see what she is involved in before I answer.” If it involved hurting others, I would expose her to the authorities, and let them deal with her. If she was into a business anything like what James was, then I’d let the people she screwed out of money deal with her.
“What about MaKayla? Are you going to divulge everything you learn to her? I mean, she is paying you for the information,” Brian reminded me.
“She hired me to find who she is, find where she came from, and who her family is. There was no discussion about what they are involved in.” MaKayla would be told if she was in any danger. Then again, if telling her who her family was, could put her in danger, I would block her from that information just like Venus had done.
“I got to go. Call me in a couple of days when you’re free to talk,” Brian said.
He ended the call. The timing was good because Dottie just entered my office carrying a cup of coffee. “Thought you could use this.”
“What makes you think that?” I asked, taking it from her.
“You don’t look like you slept last night. Tough case?” she asked.
“No. Just different,” I replied. Dottie was privy to what I did, mostly because there were plenty of times she needed to make calls to my team when I wasn’t able to.
“Don’t worry, you’ll find the answers that Ms. Prada is searching for. There’s no one better for the job than you are,” she said.
I smirked. “Are you about to ask me for a raise?”
She chuckled. “No. If I wanted one, I’d just slip the paperwork in with everything else I have you sign.”
Dottie was the most honest, trustworthy person I'd ever met. But it was cute that she thought I might fall for it.
I downed the hot coffee and said, “I better get going.” I got up from my desk and handed her the empty cup.
“Don’t forget this,” she handed me my passport.
“Thanks. Wouldn’t want to get stuck in Canada,” I replied.
She laughed. “Darn. I really should’ve brought that paperwork with me just in case.” She left my office still giggling.
I slipped my passport into my back pocket and headed out the door. I almost used my own vehicle for this trip, but since I might be flying home, it was a hell of a lot easier to use a rental. MaKayla had said that they would be waiting for me in the lobby and I should drive up in front of the hotel when I arrived. Not how I liked to do things, but it was definitely easier.
I placed their luggage in the trunk. While the ladies got into the car. I already didn’t like the way things were going. Venus took the front passenger seat.Really?It wasn’t as though MaKayla, and I were really dating, but Venus didn’t know that. Was this her way of saying she didn’t like me?That's fine. You are going to like me a lot less when you learn who I really am.
“Hope you don’t mind my taking the front. I don’t travel great in the back seat,” she said.
I looked in the rearview mirror and saw MaKayla rolling her eyes.Got it. She’s lying.“No problem. It will give us time to pick up where we left off at lunch yesterday.”
“I’m sure you need to focus on the road ahead. I’ll just close my eyes and sleep,” she said. I heard MaKayla snicker in the back seat. This was going to be a long ride to Canada. But that is okay. I had planned on making frequent stops along the way. Hopefully, she’d change her mind and take the backseat after a couple of stops.
Maybe having Venus next to me where I can keep an eye on her is a wise choice. I trust her less than she trusts me.
I thought the entire drive was going to be in silence, but MaKayla wasn’t having any of it. “Damien, what is the first thing you want to do when we get to Canada?”
Turn around and come home.“I was thinking about taking you out for a nice dinner and maybe go dancing.” I had no idea if she even danced, but I saw Venus’s lips thin.
“Oh, I can’t wait. I have this dress that I’ve been dying to wear.”
And I bet you’ll look sexy as hell in it.“Great, then it’s a date. Unfortunately, not today. I figure we’ll drive for another hour and then stop for the night.”
“Sounds good. And looks like it’s going to be a nice night. Maybe we can go for a walk before heading to bed,” she suggested.
MaKayla might run a restaurant, but damn, she should be an actress because even I would believe she was truly interested in me.