Page 23 of When We Were Eighteen
I folded my hands on my lap. Mom wasn’t here. There was no need to keep up the act. “I’m sure you didn’t invite me out because your sweet tooth is dying for dessert.”
“I know you like cheesecake, but you’re right, I wanted to talk to you. We have only another sixteen hours’ drive to Halifax, Nova Scotia. I was able to come up with a good excuse for why we should stop at the hotel tonight. We have one last night in the US before we cross the border. I could be wrong, but I have a feeling your mother is probably going to anticipate us making the final leg of the trip tomorrow. No stops, just drive right through.”
“That’s true. Once she is back in Canada, all she will think about is home. What do you suggest we do to slow this trip down?” I asked.
“It was late when we arrived. Maybe we could convince her that we want to see Niagara Falls and do some sightseeing tomorrow,” he suggested.
“It sounds like a good plan, but the last thing she is going to want to do is tag along with us while we visit different places. If she was okay doing that, then I think she would’ve agreed to that while we were in Manhattan. But she...doesn’t like the idea of us together.”
“Did you want to do the long drive tomorrow to Halifax?” he asked.
“No. I’m not sure I could do sixteen hours in the back seat. It’d be different if mom would give me the front so we could at least chat. I swear that if we went to a movie theater together, she’d sit between us,” I chuckled.
“If we werereallydating, she could try, but would fail.”
Maybe you can put an end to it now.
“Guess we are in for a long day tomorrow,” I said, giving up.
“Let me see what I can do so that doesn’t happen.”
“What are you thinking? Flat tire? Running out of gas?” I asked.
He shook his head. “She would suggest you two rent a vehicle and leave me behind.”
“Oh, it’s like you have her figured out already. I guess I did hire the right person,” I said.Hope you can’t read me that well, because it might get embarrassing.I was attracted to Damien and finally admitted to myself that I liked him. Both were things that I’d like to keep to myself.
“I am not sure what I will do, but you’ll know it when it happens,” he said. “Now, what do you say we go out and get something to eat.”
“Not this late. I won’t be able to sleep after all that sugar. But that walk sounded good. And I noticed there is a park behind our hotel. We could walk there if you’re interested.”
He raised a brow. “I’m not sure walking in a park at this hour is a smart thing to do.”
“I have full faith that you can protect me. Besides, I felt the bulge when you hugged me earlier.” I realized how that must sound to him, and I blushed. Quickly I said, “The one in your jacket. I...I take it you’re carrying a weapon.”But I had noticed the other bulge too.
When I looked at Damien, he was grinning. “I always carry protection.”
I wish we actually get to use it.
Had he intentionally said it in a way to get me thinking about him in a sexual manner? I doubt it because he’d been so professional. It was me who was struggling with heightened libido.Get it together. Stay focused.
“You’re right. A walk tonight might not be a good idea.”I don’t need another reason to want you to touch me again.“Why don’t we just head back to the hotel? I’m sure mom is still waiting for me to return anyway.”
“I would think that is why youwouldn’twant to go back,” he teased.
I smiled, understanding that it wasn’t just me who needed a break. “If we are out much longer, she’ll probably call my phone to make sure nothing is wrong.” I knew she loved me, but this overprotectiveness was getting to be too much. She'd never been like this with anyone else I’d dated. Was it really the age thing that she was concerned about? I’d bring it up to her again, but once she found out that I was nothing to Damien, she’d forget all about it.Because she will be too busy being angry about me lying.
Damien did a U-turn in the road and headed back to the hotel. “I have several things I should attend to tonight.”
“Concerning my family?” I asked, feeling hopeful.
He nodded. “The FBI is still working on the DNA testing, but I have learned that Venus is your mother.”
I was shocked by that statement. “Of course, she is. What else would she be?” I asked. He didn’t respond and I said sternly, “That was a question. Who did you think she was?”
He replied, “I wasn’t sure. But you asked me to find your family. I needed to confirm that she was in fact who she said she was.”
“You mean you thought she might have...have kidnapped me or something?” I stammered. Never had I questioned her about being my mother. I was angry that he had, but I understood he was doing what I paid him for. That didn’t mean I had to like it.