Page 24 of The Black Cat
Mariah blew a raspberry as he took a tumbling step towards her. He waited for a second and then looked at himself in surprise.
“What?” Benedict exclaimed.
“Fast-drying cement!” Mariah explained as Benedict began freezing in place.
“You… you… no!” Benedict howled as the cement set.
Mariah grinned as she approached the rapidly stiffening statue. Only his hazel eyes moved, and they were beyond furious.
“When I’m ready, you and I will talk about how to treat a lady! And that doesn’t include putting her outside, where she might have been attacked by anyone with less than honourable intentions!” Mariah hissed.
He was livid. The creature unfurled in his belly and crawled upwards. Benedict had lost complete control, and all he wanted to do was break free and tear her to shreds. He tried moving within his prison but found himself completely trapped. Anger and hate overwhelmed him, and Benedict felt his eyes turning and knew he was lost.
As she stepped away, something caught her attention. Benedict’s eyes. The hazel had disappeared, and now they were red orbs in a sea of blackness.
Mariah gasped in horror. What on earth did that mean? Hate filled his eyes, and they followed her like a hunter assessing prey. This wasn’t her ghost. It was completely different, and suddenly Mariah realised if he broke free, he’d kill her.
A shudder ran down her spine.
“Lass, when he breaks out, you’ll be in a heap of trouble,” Mr Evans said as his men laughed.
Mariah forced a weak smile. They hadn’t noticed Benedict’s eye change. She didn’t want them to. Somehow, she knew this was dangerous and needed them to complete the work.
“That’s why I covered him in treacle, flour and honey, so the cement would stick to him!” Mariah chipped, forcing joviality. But her eyes remained watchful. The red began glowing deeper when a mournful cry rushed through the inn. Mariah staggered, as did the surrounding men, as a second tore at her soul.
Benedict’s hazel eyes reappeared within mere seconds, full of guilt and shame.
Mariah stepped closer.
“Benedict, if that is really you, blink twice,” Mariah whispered as the builders looked, wondering where the cry came from.
Benedict blinked twice.
“What was that?” Mariah asked, and frustration flared. Mariah walked back and picked up a sledgehammer.
“Er, lass, that may not be a good idea,” Mr Evans said.
There was enough remaining wickedness in Mariah for her to grin.
“But such a pleasure!” she exclaimed and swung the hammer straight in the middle of Benedict’s head. As it cracked, a howl escaped the cement, and Benedict emerged from the prison on Mariah’s third blow.
He turned to her and glared before disappearing.
He materialised in the cave, and his heart almost stopped. His lack of self-control had paid the price. One of the prisoners’ hands, which had been clenched, had opened his fingers slightly. Only mere millimetres, but it was enough that Benedict noticed. He stared in disgust as he ensured the creature was back in the slumber it should be.
A figure appeared before him, and he turned his gaze upon her.
“Stop playing with the human, Benedict. I almost lost you. It was so close,” she said.
“Catherine, I am so sorry!” Benedict exclaimed.
“I’m strong, Benedict, but should you lose complete control, I cannot contain you both,” Catherine chided and then disappeared. Benedict hung his head as he stared at the prisoner. Mariah had to go.