Page 25 of The Black Cat
He left and showered and changed clothing before returning to the cave. Benedict stayed for several hours, pouring his strength into the spells and barriers that kept the captive in stasis. The Black Cat helped, and finally, they were both satisfied the creature would not escape.
Benedict was greeted by an unwelcome sight when he returned to his room. Mariah sat on his bed, her face paling as she took him in. It was then that Benedict realised he was no longer purple and fully solid, and Mariah was seeing the real him for the first time. Maybe she’d leave now.
Whatever it had been that blasted through the inn had brought Benedict back from wherever he had gone. The fury she had witnessed hadn’t been him but almost alien. Benedict, while bellowing and playing tricks, had never wished to harm her. But today, she saw that desire. If Benedict had got free with that rage inside him, he’d have killed her without a second thought.
And that distraught wail that had eerily crashed through the inn? Another ghost? What exactly was going on here? For the first time, she understood Benedict was guarding something evil. It sunk in that she could be endangering people because she desired the Black Cat. What if she released the evil? Benedict had clearly lost control of himself, and she’d been frightened. They needed to have a good talk, one without tricks and pranks.
For the rest of the day, Mariah kept up a smug front until everyone went home, and then she walked into the kitchen and made two dinners. She didn’t know if Benedict ate, but she could offer him a peace offering. Carefully carrying the plates upstairs with bottles of cola, Mariah knocked on his door. Not hearing him, Mariah entered and looked for Benedict. Benedict had changed things to make the bedroom more comfortable. Nosily peering around, Mariah placed both plates on the table and waited. Her timing was excellent as moments later, he appeared, and she finally got a look at him.
Her face paled as she took in the dark circles under his eyes, the pallor of his skin, the tint of red surrounding his irises and the red lips. Benedict’s mouth opened, and she saw the two fangs in his upper teeth. What on earth was he?
“What do you want?” Benedict demanded, making no bones that she wasn’t welcome.
“I came to apologise. What are you?” Mariah questioned shakily.
Benedict cocked his head and smiled nastily.
“You know what I am. Say it,” he taunted.
Mariah shook her head.
“You’re a ghost,” she responded, observing. Another word ran around her mind, but she refused to give voice to it.
“Tell me what I am,” Benedict ordered, taking a threatening step closer.
Mariah shook her head. No, she couldn’t and wouldn’t say it. They didn’t exist. They could not. It was impossible. Mariah rose to her feet.
“I brought you dinner as a peace offering, but I think I’m going to go to bed,” she announced softly. Her mind was in complete denial, and she blinked as Benedict appeared in front of her.
“Say what I am!” he demanded, taking her by the arms.
“No! This was a mistake! I want to go,” Mariah cried, trying to free herself. But his hands held her trapped.
Benedict’s face came closer.
“Tell me!” he hissed.
“Vampire!” Mariah screamed, and Benedict released her.
“Now you know why you shouldn’t be here!” Benedict snarled as Mariah backed away.
She saw guilt flash across Benedict’s expression briefly, but her horror-filled mind did not quite grasp it. She was alone with a vampire. No, this was impossible. Mariah closed her eyes and counted to ten before reopening them. Benedict’s visage didn’t change.
“You are not why I need to leave,” Mariah blurted, and Benedict showed surprise. “You’ve had plenty of time to rip my throat out. Benedict, I don’t believe you’re the menace. So, tell me what’s going on!” Mariah demanded.
Benedict was in front of her in a blink of an eye, holding her imprisoned in his arms as his mouth nuzzled her neck. Mariah shuddered as she felt his fangs graze the delicate skin of her throat.
“Tell me I am not a threat again,” he ordered her.
“You are not! But I know you’re trying to frighten me. Well, congratulations, I’m terrified, but I also know the man who gave his life to stop evil isn’t evil himself!” Mariah retorted. As she spoke the words, Mariah knew they were true. Whatever Benedict was, he was not evil. With a loud sigh, Benedict stepped back and stared at her.
“Why won’t you leave? This is more than sheer stubbornness,” he murmured, giving her space.
Mariah wasn’t having that. She chased him and got into his face.
“Because I belong here; you don’t recognise that. The Black Cat is in my blood. The inn called to me, and I came. You heard what Emile and Melisandre said. Maybe we can solve this and regain your life!” Mariah exclaimed.