Page 23 of The Black Cat
With every step he took, his entire body shook and shuddered as if he was still attached to the electrical current. He had experienced nothing like that in his life. Not even when she’d shot him with that pronged box. Wincing every time he moved, Benedict made it to his bed. He lay there, shaking in shock. If he’d been solid… no… he couldn’t contemplate the pain. His hand shakily checked his manhood once again. The poor thing had shrivelled up on itself, and Benedict felt complete sympathy with it. Moaning, he laid on his back and willed the jolting, shuddering, and the little sparks of residual electricity to bugger off!
Chapter Six.
The kitchen had been completely gutted within three days of Mr Evans’ team arriving. Meanwhile, they’d been entertained by the antics of herself and Benedict. Benedict had hit back, and Mariah had been unaware. It was the dawn after she had trapped him, and Mariah stretched in bed and moaned as she felt a kink in her back. Idly kicking one leg free from her duvet, Mariah noticed a breeze. She pulled at the covers as she rolled on her side and snuggled down.
To her sleepy displeasure, the birds seemed loud this morning, and she wondered if she’d left a window open. The sun was far too bright, but she knew she’d closed the curtains. That blasted ghost must have been in her bedroom!
“Benedict, you unmitigated annoyance!” Mariah yelled and paused.
No! Her voice hadn’t resonated off the walls as she’d expected. Cautiously opening one eye, Mariah squealed and ducked under the covers.
“Well, lass, this takes camping to a whole new level!” Mr Evans chuckled. His foreman stood beside him, open-mouthed as Mariah squeaked in embarrassment. She was outside! The entire bed was outside the inn, and she was in her nightclothes.
“This isn’t happening!” Mariah replied. “This is a total nightmare!”
“Well, lass, I’ll give the lad a ten for being original,” Mr Evans said, chuckling.
“How the hell did he move the bed?” Mr Todd inquired.
Mariah peeped from the covers and spotted a circle of men standing around her.
“No damn idea, but this must be Benedict’s work. Highly doubt that Mariah could have done this to herself.” Mr Evans chuckled.
“Oh, he’s dead!” Mariah exclaimed and buried herself under the blankets.
“Wow. That’s something you don’t see every day,” someone said, laughing between words.
Mariah blushed deep red and swore to get even with Benedict. She had more toys than her taser and electric trap! Mariah tried to gather her dignity about her, but she was wearing Bambi pyjamas. Throwing the quilt, she looked Mr Evans in the eye as she scrambled out of bed.
“Please, can two men somehow take my bed back to my room?” Mariah asked, ignoring the grins as she hurried away. Damn that bloody ghost!
He grinned as he watched Mariah wake up and then her appalled reaction. Benedict wasn’t smiling when some of the guys sent interested looks at her as she ran towards the inn. He hadn’t considered that. And Mariah was a beautiful woman. Benedict stomped away from the window as Mariah stormed through the Black Cat, her cheeks a dark red and her head held high. Her gaze focused on him.
“Just you wait!” she hissed.
Benedict allowed his gaze to wander up and down her body before a slow smile crept over his face. Mariah growled and walked off. His laughter echoed as workers began their tasks for the day.
Benedict was wandering around the inn a few hours later when he saw some wiring. Side-stepping it, he squinted cautiously. He spotted the fans and smirked. Oh, she wasn’t catching him this time. He kept moving, avoiding the trap, and walked into a thin line. Benedict peered at his chest with curiosity when he should have looked up. Seconds later, a bucket of sticky stuff landed on him and covered him from head to toe.
Benedict snarled as he realised Mariah had balanced the bucket on a rafter. He’d been so intent on not falling for one trap that he’d walked into another. He was wiping the gloopy substance from his eyes when he was blasted backwards, and he tripped over a trip wire and landed inside a barrel.
Mariah screeched in excitement, and Benedict saw her hit a button. Holy hell! Benedict cursed as he tried to haul himself free.
She waited as Benedict avoided her more obvious traps as he was meant to. His suspicion was focused on the fans, and he never spotted the wire until he touched it with his chest. Mariah immediately yanked on the rope and coated his purple figure with honey, flour, and treacle. The gloopy sticky mess covered him as she whooped her success. She hit Benedict with an electrical pulse as he stumbled backwards, and he was blasted head-first into the cement mixer. She giggled as he began trying to turn himself around. It was a rather large machine.
With a wicked grin that made the watching workmen shudder, Mariah pushed the switch and turned it on. A surprised shout came from inside, and Mariah folded her arms as she watched Benedict tumble round and round. Benedict finally twisted around, and Mariah saw a pair of fierce hazel eyes rolling as he struggled to get out. Her gaze narrowed as she realised the machine wasn’t going that fast, and she hit another button.
Benedict’s howls soothed her soul as he tumbled back inside as the speed got faster. She pushed stop after a few minutes and watched as a cement-covered hand reached outside the mixer, shaking. Mariah held her stance as Benedict’s head and shoulders appeared, and he fell to the floor. Growls came from him as he staggered to his feet and stumbled in circles.
Mariah lifted an eyebrow, and the crazily stumbling man tried focusing on her, but his eyes kept rolling around in his head.
“I’ll make your life hell!” Benedict promised.