Page 42 of The Wild Side of Hell
“The clubhouse is clear!” Shee yelled, racing onto the forecourt with Tiny.
“Across the road, get off the forecourt!” Diesel yelled at the top of his lungs. He was waving people away.
“Get in the abandoned shops,” Chance bellowed.
Bear, the first to reach them, didn’t hesitate and kicked the door in. He placed Thalia on her feet and raced across the forecourt. Rooster checked the time, five minutes remaining, and people continued streaming off the forecourt.
He ran back to Chance and started forcing him away when Chance’s head snapped around.
“Fanatic!” Chance roared. Rooster’s head craned, and he saw locked doors to the painting bay. Fanatic was inside and hadn’t heard the alarm.
“Take Chance!” Rooster yelled and began running towards the garage. Chance started fighting Bear, who lifted him off his feet and carried him away. Protect the president, the first rule of Hellfire. Chance fought as he was brought into the shop, and Tiny and Bear forced him to the ground, where they pinned him. Chance could only watch as Rooster headed into the danger zone.
Rooster pulled the doors open and spotted Fanatic. Fanatic had headphones on and jumped as Rooster burst in.
“Run! Bombs!” Rooster bellowed.
Fanatic stared at him and started moving slowly. Rooster reached out, grabbed the boy, and began hauling him throughthe forecourt. The ground rocked beneath their feet, and they fell to the ground as the clubhouse exploded in a boom. A second, third and fourth blast came from the clubhouse. Rooster lay on the ground, his body covering Fanatics. He could see directly across the street at Chance, also pinned down with a hopeless look.
Rooster knew they were in the immediate path of the garage and store explosion and was resigned to giving his life today. Chunks of concrete and debris fell around them, hitting Rooster on his back, shoulders, and legs. Something heavy dropped across his ankles, and Rooster realised he was pinned down. He just prayed his body would protect the kid under him. A roar came from the shop, and Rooster raised his head; he held Chance’s eyes with apologies in his own.
He’d do everything to defend the precious boy under him. Chance’s nephew and Drake’s eldest son. His thoughts couldn’t consider his own boys; the club would look after them. Shee was designated to adopt them. His beautiful sons would be okay. Fanatic wriggled, and Rooster knew the kid was alive when a yell rose above the sound of burning flames. Pyro and Celt ran towards them as Chey screamed Celt’s name repeatedly. The parts store blew, and Pyro and Celt were knocked off their feet at the forecourt entrance. Something hit Rooster’s head, and it was lights out.
Fuck, he was pinned under Rooster, and all hell was breaking loose. Things were hitting Rooster’s body, and he felt every impact. Fanatic tried freeing himself, but his legs were under something heavy and Roosters. His hands reached out, scrabbling on the ground to claw himself free. He knew whatRooster was doing, using his body as a shield. Fanatic flinched as a lump of concrete the size of a tyre landed by his head, and he shoved out in desperation to stop it from crushing his skull. Luckily, it wobbled and fell away from him.
He’d no idea what was happening, but he could see his uncle screaming his name on the floor. Celt and Pyro ran towards him, and Fanatic felt a moment’s hope; then, two more explosions blasted through the forecourt, and he watched as they were blown backwards. Fuck! Panic welled in his throat. He didn’t want to die here, pinned like an animal with a brother giving his own life to save his. Four figures shot out of the shop as Chance and Bear bellowed for them to get back. Fanatic stared as the prospects headed straight for them.
“The garage is rigged to blow!” Bear’s roar could be barely heard over the commotion. The prospects kept coming. Bone stopped, grabbed Celt, hauled him to his feet, and started staggering back with him. Smokey paused and tried carrying Pyro. Pyro was knocked out, and a round pipe had gone through his shoulder. Smokey swapped sides, half picked Pyro up, and began walking to the shop.
Fanatic could hear Chance almost foaming at the mouth as he screamed for them to get their asses inside. Bear and Tiny were using all their strength to keep his uncle down. Chance was clawing at the ground, and Clio was crying in fear behind him. Thalia was holding her sister, horrified, as she stared at Fanatic and Rooster. Wraith and Slaughter hit their knees beside them as they began moving rubble.
“Leave us!” Fanatic roared from under Rooster’s body. He didn’t want his brothers getting injured and knew Celt and Pyro were both down and out.
“The fuck we will!” Wraith shouted over the roaring of the flames.
“The garage is armed!” Bear bellowed again, and Wraith shot a look over his shoulder.
“Fuckin’ go!” Fanatic yelled, his body tense, waiting for the next blast.
Wraith and Slaughter ignored him as he began cursing as they struggled to free him and Rooster from whatever they were buried under. Fanatic listened to their grunts as they laboured to lift a heavy piece of building from their bodies. Suddenly Fanatic stopped having trouble breathing air into his lungs. Hell, he hadn’t even noticed he was. Wraith bent down, and Slaughter helped sling Rooster over his shoulder.
Slaughter grabbed Fanatic and began dragging him towards the entrance of the forecourt. Everywhere Fanatic looked was rubble. Heat blasted their backs as Wraith stumbled, carrying Rooster. Slaughter was close to him as they passed the forecourt gates; the garage erupted with a shrill boom that flattened them both. Wraith kept his feet as Shee dashed out, helped steady him, and yanked Wraith into the shop. Slaughter rolled himself and Fanatic behind the low wall and covered Fanatic.
“Get the fuck off me and get to safety!” Fanatic roared.
Slaughter ignored him as missiles flew. Fanatic watched in shocked, horrified amusement as wrenches, hammers, lug nuts, and various other tools rained down around them. Slaughter released several grunts and raised his head after what seemed like hours but was minutes. He slowly pushed himself up and grasped Fanatic’s arm, helping him to his feet, and they staggered towards the shop. Shee and Big Al rushed out, grabbed them, and hauled them inside as secondary explosions came from the forecourt.
Fanatic watched as Bear and Tiny got off Chance, and he got up, shaking them off and barrelled towards him. Fanatic remained still as Chance patted him down, looking for significant wounds. Satisfied his nephew was physically okay,Chance wrapped Fanatic up in a hug and rocked him back and forth.
“Chance,” Clio gasped out, and Chance and Fanatic turned their heads. His wife began falling to her knees, clutching her stomach; Chance roared. Under her feet was a puddle of water. Thalia opened her mouth and screamed as she grabbed for Clio as Smokey, the closest person, slipped his arms under her. Chance lunged for Clio.
“I’m only thirty weeks!” the wail left Clio’s lips as Thalia paled, and Chance gathered Clio to him.
“Need a car now!” Chance roared.