Page 43 of The Wild Side of Hell
“I can hear sirens. Cops and ambulances are coming,” Bear shouted from the door.
Chance raced outside, keeping his eyes away from the ruins of Hellfire, and waved down the first ambulance he saw. A paramedic jumped out with wide eyes as he stared at the forecourt.
“She’s thirty weeks pregnant, and her water broke,” Chance yelled, and the paramedic scrambled into action.
He loaded Clio straight into the ambulance, and Chance leapt in beside her as sirens blasted, and they raced away. Chance never saw Fanatic wobble and then face plant on the ground.
Hellfire was gone, and Chance’s mobile was blowing up in his hand. He’d found it on the floor. Bear was trying to organise the paramedics for the wounded brothers and bullying the others into protection for the women. Diesel answered the phone, and Drake was roaring before he even spoke.
“Shut the fuck up!” Diesel bellowed. “Hellfire’s gone. Fanatic is injured. Get to the hospital.”
“My boy!” Drake yelled.
“Hospital!” Diesel ordered.
He hung up and took the next call.
“Onyx, we need backup. Phone the allies, put Unwanted Bastards on high alert and get two MCs over to them for extra men, because they have Alice.
“I think this was the cult. Hellfire is gone, man; they blew the fuck out of it. We have injured and need guards. Our women gonna need somewhere safe. We need all the bodies you can get us. We got wounded brothers, and Clio has gone into labour ten weeks early. Chance is off limits; Bear is organising everything. Rooster is down. Bear’s busy, everyone comes through me, make sure they know,” Diesel blurted down the phone.
“On it,” Onyx said.
Diesel answered the next call.
“What the fuck happened?” Magic bellowed.
“Get your ass to Unwanted Bastards and protect Alice. Hellfire is gone,” Diesel felt his voice crack this time. He shoved his pain and loss down.
“Go, we have a war zone here. Protect Alice. Don’t have time to talk. We’ve got injured, Magic. Defend my fuckin’ woman so I can concentrate here!” Diesel ordered and cut the call. He sighed as Tiger called next.
This was going to be a long day.
Diesel made it to the hospital an hour later, and the news wasn’t good. Clio, Rooster, Celt, Fanatic, and Pyro were all in surgery. Wraith and Slaughter were in x-ray, and Slaughter needed over one hundred stitches for a laceration across his back. Shee was with Diesel while Big Al had taken Tati and Louisa Mae with the twins, to the Unwanted Bastards’ compound, where they’d be safe.
Bear remained at Hellfire with Tiny and Sunny, who were talking to the cops. Diesel walked in and demanded answers as to his brother’s condition. He didn’t get any. Not messing about, Diesel called Doc Gibbons and told him to get him some information now, or there’d be hell to pay. Drake and Phoe, and Rage had arrived in force. They only knew that Fanatic had internal injuries and were operating.
Doc Gibbons came through for him. Pyro was having the hole stitched in his shoulder from where the pole had pierced him. There was some muscle damage, but he’d be fine. Celt had broken his arm in four places and was having pins inserted. Chey was frantic by now, as nurses weren’t telling her anything. As soon as Diesel related the news, she and Bunny calmed down.
Rooster was in serious condition; his legs had been crushed while protecting Fanatic. Chance was down as his next of kin but out of commission because Clio was in labour and having an emergency C-section. She’d begun haemorrhaging and had been whisked away. Chance was with her. Doc Gibbons informed Diesel it was likely Rooster was looking at an amputation on his lower left leg, and his spine had also been damaged. His prognosis was not good. Fanatic had internal injuries, and his spleen and liver had ruptured. Rage was already lining up to be tested for donation should Fanatic need it.
Diesel dropped his head. The cult had struck and struck deeply. It would be months before Hellfire recovered and their injured brothers healed. A doctor came out and looked around.
“Family for Rooster?” he asked the name, puzzled.
“That’s me,” Diesel replied, squaring up his shoulders.
“Chance Michaelson?”
“No, he’s in surgery with his wife, who’s having an emergency C-section. You’ve got me. I am Rooster’s brother,” Diesel answered.
“I must talk to Chance.”