Page 41 of The Wild Side of Hell
“Long story, but yes, Thalia discovered them,” Maylene answered.
Diesel watched as Thalia moved to greet Willoughby.
“Although it cost me this,” Thalia announced and held up her hand where she was missing a finger. Bear growled. “Oh, calm down; I can joke about it now.”
“I can’t,” Bear grumbled.
“Glad to see your family together again,” Willoughby said, standing and offering Maylene his seat. Maylene took it and crossed her legs at the ankles.
Diesel could swear he saw a hint of interest in Willoughby’s eyes as he took in Maylene and her graceful mannerisms.
“And I hear Alexis has been found. What a relief. It is about time our families healed, is it not?” Maylene said. “Come here, child,” she commanded Clio, who went to Chance’s side.
Diesel hid an amused smile as Chance automatically lifted an arm for Clio to snuggle in. He missed Alice and how she’d turned to him as Clio did with Chance.
“Now, you were throwing your weight around when we entered. Alice is a good girl but struggling with information overload. Bet she feels like she’s drowning. Why don’t we have a drink and talk your temper through?” Maylene suggested, and Willoughby laughed.
“Got any whiskey, son? Maylene Dixon likes a strong, rich taste,” Willoughby said and relaxed back. Who’d have thought it would be Maylene to tame the tiger in their midst? Diesel wondered as he moved to the bar.
“What do you want to know?”
“Tell me about the asshole who thinks he’s claimed my grandbaby,” Willoughby replied.
A growl left my lips.
“Oh, there isn’t any thinking about it. Diesel is as much hers as she is his. So let me tell you about my boys. Rose come here, darling; this is an old friend Willoughby. Shall we spill their secrets? Willoughby, this is Rose; she is Shotgun’s grandmother and knows all their naughty, dark, delicious secrets,” Maylene said with a tinkling laugh.
Diesel watched as Willoughby gazed at Maylene with a smitten look. A smirk crossed his face as Bear and Chance swapped glances. Looked like they were gonna get a step-grandpa. The grin wiped off his mouth when he realised that went for him, too. Aw shit.
Rooster stared at the monitors, bored. He hated security detail, but they all had a shift to cover. He made a mental noteto get Chance to recruit some candidates who’d enjoy this mind-numbing job.
A shadow crept across his screen, and Rooster leant forward as he saw someone drop something at the rear of the clubhouse. He swapped cameras as the figure disappeared around the side, and Rooster frowned as he dropped something else.
“Chance!” Rooster leaned back in his chair and yelled. He kept following the trespasser, noting his appearance. He wore jeans and a hoodie with the hood pulled low over his face.
“What?” Chance asked, entering the security office.
“Intruder and acting suspiciously.” Rooster pointed out the individual.
Chance muttered something and disappeared. Moments later, he appeared on camera, stalking the stranger. Rooster watched as the man placed one last bag. Chance moved, and the fucker took to his heels like lightning. Chance didn’t bother to give chase and looked in the bag. His body stiffened, and he began running back as fast as he could.
Rooster leapt to his feet and dashed out of the security room. His gut told him to evacuate, judging by Chance’s fear.
“Out, everyone out!” Rooster bellowed. “Evacuate!” Surprised faces turned to him.
He hit the fire alarms, making people move.
“Shee, Tiny, check the bedrooms; get everybody out,” Chance shouted. “We’ve got bombs and ten minutes left on the timer!”
Bear bent down, grasped Thalia, and raced out. Chatter grabbed Maylene as Shotgun headed for Rose. Willoughby’s men were already moving him out.
Rooster ran back to the security room and flicked through the footage for the shop and garage. Sure enough, the intruder had been there too.
“Clear the garages and parts store!” Rooster bellowed.
Thudding feet and cries from the women began flooding the air. Sirens shrieked as the garage and store alarms activated. Rooster ran straight for Clio, who stood stunned, and picked her up carefully before running with her. Clio was important. Louisa Mae was with Big Al, and he saw the man racing towards him carrying the precious baby girl. Tati raced to his side, flinging fear-filled looks over her shoulder.