Page 15 of Playing Dirty
“I see no problem with that,” Theo replies.
“Yep, all is good here,” Boston states.
“Finally. Glad you’re letting someone in, someone who’s worthwhile. Have you told Vanessa about Katie yet?” All of the guys were there for me, Ezra the most. The bond we share is thicker than what I have with the others.
“Nope, but it’s coming. Emilio’s was an experience, to say the least. Also, you tell our mother about this before I get a chance, I’m going to be pissed.” I stand up, ready to take my leave. Nessa should be back at her place by now.
“Later, guys.” I grab the jacket off the back of my chair, put it back on, straighten it, and walk out the door, not waiting for their response. They won’t shut up if I don’t make my escape now. I take my phone from the pocket of my jacket, checking if Vanessa has texted me like I asked.
Nessa: I’m home and in bed. Three more nights.
Parker: See you soon, baby.
She has no idea just how soon. I’ll be leaving the building after I make a stop at my office, grab my laptop, go over a few things with my assistant, and call it a fucking day. Then I’ll be heading to my woman, sliding into bed beside her and getting some damn sleep, since I didn’t get a wink without Nessa in bed with me.
I knewshe wouldn’t put the second lock in place like I’ve asked her several damn times. Reminding her before we got off the phone last night still didn’t help. It’s why I’m able to get inside her apartment easily after ending the meeting with the guys, taking what I needed from my office, and talking with my assistant about how I’ll be working from home unless there are in-house meetings, asking her to book them all in one day, even if that meant booking them back-to-back without taking a break in between. A solid game plan if that meant I could work when Nessa was at work, switching my own sleeping habits around in order to have time with my woman.
“What are you doing here?” I’m inside her apartment, the door shut and locked, placing my laptop bag on her kitchen counter, ready to take off my suit jacket and tie, when she greets me. She is standing in front of me with a towel around her body, one wrapped up in her hair to soak up the water from her washing it.
“You’re here. It’s where I’m going to be. Besides, sleeping without you is fucking awful.” I move closer to her, needing a taste of the softest lips I’ve ever felt. “Shouldn’t you be in bed?”
“My shift ran over, then I was talking to Millie. By the time I got home, I was too keyed up to fall asleep even after I took a shower. So, I’ve decided to organize my closet until my eyelids finally slam shut.” Her smooth skin is void of makeup, how she prefers it, but knowing that she’s naked beneath the towel has me ready to rip it off her body and have my way with her.
“If you’re up for talking and not ready to conk out on me, I’ve got something I’d like to tell you.” Might as well get this conversation over with before it’s out in the press’ hands.
“I’m wide awake. I think it might take me a bit to get adjusted, and I have something to ask as well.” My head dips down. I kiss her lips lightly, noticing my marks on her collarbone have disappeared. We get this talk done, and she’s still wide awake, I’ll fuck her until she falls asleep.
“Good. Come sit with me?” I pull away after I drop another kiss to my favorite place on her body, watching her flesh pebble as I do.
“Okay.” My hand takes hers, and I guide us to her couch to sit down on one side. Nessa doesn’t even attempt to sit anywhere but my lap, hands going around my neck, playing with my hair like she usually does anytime she gets a chance.
“You want to go first, or me?” I ask.
“It doesn’t matter. My subject may be a bit touchy, though.” There’s hesitation in her tone.
“Look at me, Nessa, really look at me.” I hold her chin with my fingers, moving it up until her eyes meet mine. “We’re going to have conversations that make both of us uncomfortable; it’s what happens in a relationship. That doesn’t mean I’m going to tuck my tail and run.” She nods.
“Then I’ll go first. Who broke your heart? There’s a reason we were watched at Emilio’s the whole time, from walking in, to eating, and then leaving. I didn’t do a whole lot of digging, because I wanted to hear it from you first, so I will tell you, I only looked at what the media had to say when I was tagged in their post about us being together.” Ezra was right. This subject should have been handled days ago. It’s not that I have anything to hide. Between us being sick and the time we spent in bed, there was no way I was going to bring up another woman. Then our weekend came to an end, and here we are now.
“She didn’t make me a recluse; I was taught a valuable lesson. A woman I thought wanted the same thing as me. A life together, marriage, kids, the whole deal. It turns out I was wrong; she was looking for a free ride. We’d just hit our stride; the company was making more than we’d ever thought imaginable. Looking back, the writing was on the wall. Ezra, Theo, and Boston saw it, heard it actually. Katie had this grand plan. It didn’t go far; the safeguards we had in place made sure of that. Our finance manager and she started skimming money off the top. Ezra is always joking, but it’s only one side of him. The man has a knack for money; he’s obsessed with it. So, when he noticed the discrepancies, he followed the trail. Katie and Eric were idiots, though, didn’t cover their trail. The moron he is used his work email to converse back and forth. Needless to say, they were having an affair. It caused a media frenzy.” The whole time I’m talking, she never looked away from my eyes. Her cheeks got red, and she took a few deep breaths. Anger is warring in every nuance of her body.
“It’s a good thing she’s not around anymore. She’s not, right?” There’s fire in her voice.
“No, sweetheart. She and Eric are both gone. They did jail time; Theo’s dad made sure of that. Then they ran out of town once they were released. It’s good to have people who know people.”
“Don’t sell yourself short. Theo’s dad may have helped, but he didn’t do it all. The four of you pulled it together. It sucks that those two made a mess out of what should have been an amazing first year.” She takes a deep breath, and I’m hoping what I have to tell her next doesn’t fuck things up.
“Thank you. It’s in the past. I don’t mind my recluse lifestyle. I’m also realizing it’s not always a bad thing to socialize with the right woman beside me.” I don’t tell her the underlying reason of us going out was to make sure everyone was aware that Vanessa Taylor is taken, and she was taken by me.
“No need to thank me. I mean, I am kind of lucky she did what she did, or, you know, we might not be here.” She shrugs her shoulders before continuing, “And I’m pretty sure it was my idea to stay in. Though, it’s always hard to say no to Emilio’s food. I’d say it’d be a tie between Emilio’s and Eatzy’s. I’d never be able to choose which is better. They’re both so different yet amazing.” Clearly, Nessa is hungry, and after this next piece of information I offer up, I’ll be ordering food either before or after her nap.
“True too. If that’s cleared up, I’ve got one more confession to make. It’s about work, and your father is involved. There’s nothing wrong, I promise.” She looked scared the moment I put work, her dad, and confession in the mix.
“Okay.” She’s still hesitant.