Page 14 of Playing Dirty
“I’m all ears.” Some might be annoyed that Millie is on the phone at work. Not me. The girl is a multitasker through and through, an AirPod in her ear to talk to me while making the most intricate drink known to man. I really hope she’s able to pull the funds together to buyThe Coffee Shack.
“We went to Emilio’s, right? Well, it was different.” It’s the only way to describe it. “People stopped what they were doing, no eating or talking, cameras at the ready. Which I get because of Dad, you know, but it was like they had never seen Parker Hudson before. So, being the nosey person I am, I asked. His answer was vague at best, another moment that I probably shouldn’t have asked out in the open, where eyes and ears are prominent.” I take a breath because I’ve dominated the entire conversation, and I want to make sure Millie is still with me.
“Keep going.” She knows me so well, too well, really.
“Anyways, Parker made it seem like his past was all about learning lessons. Like I said, vague. I need to bring it up again. There was a tightness in his jaw, plus the fact that once the conversation was over, it was over.”
“Well, you know I’ve spent time with Ezra. The story I have, which I can’t delve deeply into, it’s not my story to tell. Their childhood was rough, and by rough, I mean Parker and Ezra were the ones to get themselves and Parker’s mom out of the equation,” Millie proceeds to tell me before continuing, “It was so bad Krista adopted Ezra, raised him as her own. Anyways, fast forward to their twenties, the Four Brothers are at the top of their game. Something happens. Ezra wouldn’t exaggerate during our pillow talk, and I didn’t ask. One day, Parker is enjoying being in the limelight, the next he’s pulling back. He’s done with being the frontrunner besides Ezra, Theo, and Boston. All the articles vanish from thin air, you know, a Mr. Taylor type scenario because these men are that good. Now you tell me, what makes a man do something like that?”
“A freaking woman.” Millie goes quiet when I hit the nail on the head, meaning she’s got a customer in front of her. I remember the run-in with Ezra and Parker’s mom, Krista. A scenario that could have avalanched into the worst volcano eruption ever. Parker took care of that without getting upset, seeing me through the issue at hand. There’s something to be said for a man who can heal his own trauma and not bring it into the next relationship he finally decides to have.
“Damn. Some woman did him dirty. Too bad our work schedule is going to make it hard to even talk to him about it this week.” I’m walking up towards my building. Never have I ever been more annoyed with having to work nights than I am right now.
“When will you bring this up to him? Also, you heard not a freaking thing from me. Ezra told me this during the late-night hours, so if you can make sure I’m free and clear, that’d be freaking awesome.” And the plot thickens. It seems my best friend has been holding out on me.
“You got it. I’ll text or call tomorrow. If things go as planned, I’ll be there around eight or so. Love you!” I’m opening the door to my building, perfect timing to end our phone call.
“See you soon. Love you.” I wait to hear her hang up the phone. “No, not you, sorry.” I laugh. The phone clicks off, and all I have left to do is get inside my apartment, text Parker, shower, and pass out. Thank goodness.
“I’m out.I like the plan, don’t get me wrong. It would make the most business sense, but I’m not touching this at all. I’ve got too much to lose,” I tell Ezra, Theo, and Boston in the meeting room at Four Brothers headquarters.
“You’re pussy-whipped. Never thought I’d see the day,” Boston jokes, sitting back in his seat, feet on the mahogany wood table that he insisted on putting in this place. Ostentatious, ridiculously expensive, and he’s got his shoes on it.
“Maybe so, but that’s my pussy you’re talking about, so shut your damn mouth.” Boston knows when to stop, thankfully.
“Good call. You need to talk to your girl. Let her know I’ll be point on it. She knows Millie and I are something. Don’t label it, because I’m not dealing with my relationship right now. We’ve got enough to deal with.” Ezra’s in full on business mode. The comedian, mother hen getting in your business, and gossip monger is long gone. In its place is my brother before me. Key points of the presentation are on the screen. A portfolio with our investments, comparables, and the last ten years of showing that we’ve been in the black sits in front of each of us. I don’t bother opening it. There’s no need. Ezra’s got this locked and loaded.
“It’s solid. If the merger happens, it means we need to look at expanding,” Theo, the silent one of our group, says, probably because the rest of us have no problem taking over when necessary.
“Agreed. Set up an appointment. I’m going to Vanessa’s. I don’t want to blindside her with this before I’ve been formally introduced to her parents.” It was sheer luck I was able to convince my mom that we were still getting to know one another, and she shouldn’t be coming over after she and Ezra walked into my place without calling or texting first. They’ve since lost their key privileges. That doesn’t mean Ezra hasn’t made a duplicate. Sneaky fucker.
“Not so fast. We still have business to talk about. I want to tell you my idea if we expand.” Boston takes his feet off the table and leans his elbows on his knees, head tilted up. “My trip to New Orleans, we’re talking prime investment. The area needs more jobs. We’d be stupid not to set up a building down there.”
“Who’s going to be down there? It’ll have to be one of us. Parker’s out, so is Ezra. That leaves you and me. And I’m not thrilled about the thought of sweating my balls off. That leaves you, Boston,” Theo says. He’s got his chin propped up by his hand, in his thinking pose, refined, the one in the group who doesn’t deal with any childhood trauma.
“Which is why I’m suggesting myself.” My ears perk up. Boston is born and raised here in New England, a son of a wealthy politician. This is going to go over like stink on a pig.
“Get all the paperwork together and bring us the building plans, how you think we’ll expand, and we’ll go from there. No use in talking it to death until we’ve got it in front of us,” I tell Boston. This is a plan I can stand behind without any red tape. It’ll help him, too, if dear old daddy and mommy dearest know that it’s my name behind it instead of Boston’s. Let them think it’s the dirty kid from the wrong side of the tracks, who doesn’t come from family of old money, and everybody knows no politician has clean hands. Blood money is what it boils down to. It’ll have them rolling their eyes and coming after me instead of Boston.
“Fuck, I know that look. Love you for it, brother, but this is my battle, not yours, man,” Boston tells me.
“Then you’ll let me do this for you. Take your time if you need to go down there for a longer stint. The business runs itself. We did the hard work. Now it’s about expanding, letting things go so we can enjoy life.”
“Holy shit, I think we need to send Vanessa Taylor a gift, a big gift, maybe diamonds,” Ezra says. A low grumble leaves my throat. The thought of anyone except myself wrapping her body in gold and diamonds is not sitting well, even if my brother is trying to rile me up.
“That won’t be necessary. You want to give her a gift? Fine. The gift should be, don’t show up unexpected. I’m not a fool. You have more than one copy of the key to my place. I find out you use it without giving me the heads-up, Millie will find out what it’s like to suck your dick without your balls attached.”
“Fine, I’ll send a fruit basket. You damn Neanderthal.” At that, I know he’s giving me shit. Ezra has the same qualities I do. Had that been Millie I was talking about, he’d be losing his shit just as much.
“Okay, anyone else have anything useful to bring to the table, or can we call this meeting over?” Theo diffuses the situation like normal.
“One last thing. I’m going to be taking a lot of my work home from now on, unless there’s a reason to come in. Nessa’s schedule is proving to be difficult already, and I’m not willing to add stress to her plate.”