Page 16 of Playing Dirty
“I’m sure you’re aware, or maybe you’re not, there’ve been rumors, rumors Ezra found some truth to only on Friday. It seems your father is looking to merge and possibly semi-retire. I wasn’t made aware of it until today. I’ve told Ezra I’m not part of the deal. My name, my eyes, my signature won’t even be on it.”
“Wow, he’s really going to give Mom what she wants, which is more time with him. I guess my days as working as a full-time nurse will be slowing down, too. If Dad steps away, then so will she. This is a lot to digest.” She wiggles in my hold. The need to keep her glued to my lap is real, and I’d usually keep her, except the energy she’s giving off is pure nervousness. The moment she is off of my lap, the pacing begins. Then off comes the towel that was intricately wrapped around her head. Loose wavy locks fall down, dark and rich against her skin. The contrast makes her look all the more beautiful.
“That’s the word on the street,” I mutter. She’s off in her own world, mumbling incoherent sentences.
“Well, I mean, this is a good thing. Dad’s been balls to the walls working well since forever. He’s not getting any younger. Mom isn’t either, but damn, a warning from them would have been nice.”
“Well, it’s not out to the public yet. That could be the reason. Plus, we’ve barely come up for air until today.” I arch my eyebrows at her when she finally looks in my direction.
“That’s true. I’m going to have to call Mom, nudge her without saying it outright. The stubborn lady.” She lets out a long and loud yawn. I take that as my cue to move us towards the bedroom. Everything is cleared up as much as it’s going to be for the time being. The one thing Vanessa needs is sleep, and I’m going to be adamant that she gets what she needs.
I wakeup to the feeling of being protected. Parker is at my back, one arm under my neck, the other lying on top of my stomach, his hand guarding my lower abdomen like there’s baby inside he needs to shelter. There isn’t, by the way; my birth control patch makes sure of that. I didn’t get it to prevent children since I was practically the Virgin Mary before meeting Parker. It was to control my crazy-ass periods and how long they lasted. Pills were hard for me to remember, an implant device was a commitment, and the others weren’t what I really wanted. The patch seems to work, and it’s discreet.
That’s why we did away with condoms almost immediately. He had a recent copy of his test results from his yearly physical. I stay up-to-date on testing with my job, not that I work in a busy emergency room and could get pricked by a needle. We do it for the safety of our patients. Peace of mind goes a long way with my job. A job that I know I’ll be slowly stepping back from, maybe even doing what they call PRN work, picking up shifts when needed. There’s no way Mom is going to let Dad step away from his company only for her to be glued to the charity full-time. Plus, it’s been something Mom and I have talked about for as long as I can remember.
“Why are you awake?” Parker whispers into the nape of my neck. He gave me two orgasms, one with me on my hands and knees, just how he likes me, his mouth on my pussy, licking me from clit to ass, my body arching into the sensations he wrings out of my body. The minute my orgasm washed over me, he was flipping me over until I was on my back, and sliding deep inside me. Our eyes were on each other’s, saying more with our bodies than we did with our words before he sent me into my second orgasm.
“Food.” He nips my shoulder as my stomach grumbles, the reason why I’m wide awake. It was then Parker made sure the reason they were at the charity event wasn’t for him to bid on me. Ezra had a woman in mind, that woman being my best friend, and now that she’s made it a point to tell me about the pillow talk they shared, it all made perfectly logical sense for Four Brothers to be at the Cures for Children gala dinner and charity event.
“Fuck. Should have thought about that before I fell asleep. You still want an Italian grinder, extra pickles, and chips?” He knows the way to my heart, through my stomach.
“God, yes. Does Eatzy’s deliver on Mondays?” I ask. “I don’t want to get up yet.” I push my body back. We are naked beneath the sheets. All I’d have to do is roll over, face Parker, and he’d give me what my body is aching for. The insatiable thirst of having him surrounding me, the feeling is indescribable, still unquenchable, to say the least.
“Even if they don’t, I’ll have Giles pick it up.” I roll over, wanting to see him, that first thing in the morning look, hopeful his stubble is back for the time being, seeing the sleep in his eyes, and his soft kissable lips.
“You, Parker Hudson, are utterly perfect.” His hand slides from my stomach to my back as he pulls me closer to his body. My pebbled nipples rasp against the soft hair on his chest, and my hand slides up his outer arm, muscles rippling beneath my palm.
“That’s you, babe, all you. Also, I’m changing my schedule around. The guys and I talked. Looks like Boston is heading down south, Ezra’s taking the lead on the offer, Theo is content with where he’s at, and I’m going to be working from home while you work nights. This way, it won’t matter what shifts you have. I’ll get the time I need with you.” He doesn’t let me respond. His head dips down, and he brushes his lips against mine. Contentment settles deep in my body and soul, and it’s because of the man who’s made my home him.
“Congratulations, Mr. Taylor.”I shake Nessa’s dads’ hand. He pulls me in for a hug. It’s been a busy couple of months. I made it a point to Vanessa it was time I met her parents before they know Four Brothers was going to bring an offer to the table. In other areas with other businesses, I’d never have done that, but with the Taylor’s, it’s different. Tonight, I’m going to be asking Mr. Taylor a very important question.
“It’s Ed, you know that, but thank you.” A lot of things have changed. Working from home has made it easier to see Nessa on the rare shifts she takes at the hospital. Her mom is still overseeing everything she can while Nessa learns the ropes. Even still, it will only take a day or two out of her busy week. As of right now, she’s part-time at the hospital. She knows going down to once or twice a week will happen. It’ll be a damn good thing, too, since once my ring is on her finger, I plan on getting her pregnant, even if that means throwing away that damn birth control patch she changes once a week.
“You’re welcome. Do you have a moment? I know it’s your party, but this will only take a moment.” With the close relationship Nessa has with her mother, Maria, and now my own mother, there’s no telling either of the women. They’d have a hard time keeping a secret.
“Of course. I already know what you’re going to ask. You have my blessing, Parker. My girl is happy, happier than ever. You’re a good man; don’t ever doubt that.” There’s been some heaviness, shit from my past I’m worried will transfer to mine and Nessa’s future. I could have talked to my mom or Ezra about it, but I found that those two are biased as fuck when it comes to the people they love. So, on a whim and a few too many drinks at the Taylors’ house, I talked to Ed, about the shit growing up, about Katie, and how I closed myself off, not only to protect myself but also Four Brothers.
“I hope so. Vanessa wants five children. I may never retire with that many.” Five children to clothe and feed, possibly send them to college or get them started on the right path if they want to start their own business.
“That doesn’t surprise me. After losing Abigail, though, we couldn’t do it anymore. I was too deeply entranced in my grief, so I worked night and day. Maria threw herself into making a difference in childhood cancer, hence the charity. Damn that woman, stronger than she should ever have to be, still holding it all together for our family. And Vanessa, well, she’s just like my Maria.” Leukemia is a bitch. There’s nothing worse than watching someone you love slowly slipping away, watching your toddler, knowing you were powerless. I’m not sure I’d still be standing if that happened to a child of mine and Vanessa’s. Fuck, it makes my heart ache to even think about.
“I’ll give her whatever she wants, and don’t doubt yourself either. Your family knows how much you love them. Don’t tell Nessa, but when you send her those memes, a goofy smile crosses her face, followed by a deep hit-you-in-your-soul laugh.
“I know you will. If you’ll excuse me. I need to mingle, or Maria will tell me I’m being rude. This is the part of work I’ll never miss.”
“Yeah, I’ll be doing the same.” We part ways. My eyes scan the rented ballroom. Maria went all out. A merger for Taylor and Four Brothers is a big deal in our world. I can’t imagine what she’ll do when he announces his retirement in a few short months. That party will undoubtedly be over the top.
My eyes lock on Vanessa as she walks towards me, confidence in how she carries herself. She’s wearing another dress that’s molded to her perfectly shaped body, and I know it’s one of those nights when there is not a stitch of clothing beneath it, easy access for the both of us. Especially when we need a breather. It won’t take much convincing from me to have her sneak away for a few minutes or an hour.
“Have you been hiding again, Mr. Hudson?” My hand reaches for hers, pulling her body flush against mine. Fuck, whatever they say about proprietary when you’re in public, that ship has sailed. Kissing, hugging, holding her hand, it all fucking happens. The shit storm media frenzy came and went. The more we were out and about, the less they talked about us.