Page 37 of The Rage of Reading
Jett spun on his heel and hit his Harley. The bike roared off in the hospital’s direction.
“You’re walking the fuckin’ line there,” Drake warned Manny.
“You and I fuckin’ know the prospect’s pissing this up. This will motivate Jett. If not, I’m on the side lines, waiting. Drake, I’ve declared my interest now. Shit’s in Jett’s hands. No line crossed if Jett ain’t been inside Sin,” Manny replied.
“Prospect’s claiming her,” Lowrider spoke up.
“Then Jett better stop fuckin’ messing shit up, or I’m making a move,” Manny insisted. He turned as Ezra’s phone began beeping. Ezra pulled it from his pocket and looked down with a frown.
“Gotta go,” Ezra announced, strolling towards the exit. Drake’s hand shot out.
“Need anything, Ezra?”
“Nah, all good. Be back later.”
“Pussy brother?” Ezra narrowed his eyes.
“Said I have to go, Pres.” Ezra shrugged Drake off, giving off stay-away vibes and left them alone.
“Want me to follow?” Lowrider asked, tilting his chin.
Drake shook his head.
“Ezra will tell us when he’s ready. Brother’s always been one of the private ones.”
“Fuckin’ pussy, screwing your heads up,” Texas boomed.
Drake shot the man a stare.
“Can’t wait for you to get fucked up, brother,” Drake snapped, but there was humour in his voice. Texas threw back his head and roared with laughter.
“No pussy will ever chain me.”
“Who’s taking bets on that one?” Lex asked as they left. Rock gave him a slap on the shoulder.
Surprised, I looked up as Jett walked into the hospital room just before five. I studied Jett, and my gaze fell on Jett’s bruised and broken knuckles. Sharply I drew a deep breath and checked the rest of Jett’s body for injuries. Not finding any, my eyes finally moved to Jett’s face.
“Rouse won’t ever hurt you again,” Jett whispered, sitting on the bed. Jett reached out and traced my cheek with his fingers. At Jett’s gentle touch, the sobs I’d been holding back broke free and sounded dreadful with my damaged throat. Jett shifted his ass and drew me into his arms.
“It’s okay, Sin. The police have Rouse, and he won’t get near you again. Promise, sweetness,” Jett said, hugging me as tight as he dared.
Crying, I shuffled forward, nearly climbing on Jett’s lap, and buried my head in his neck. I’d been so scared last night. The horrific memory would take months for the overwhelming terror to fade.
When Mr Rouse had been on top of me, I’d feared the worse. And when Rouse began strangling me, all I could see was Reid living alone. Life didn’t flash before me, as people claim. Reid and Jett had, and how they’d blame themselves. I wrapped my hands in Jett’s tee and clung. A sense of safety flooded over me. Jett kept a tight hold on me in one arm, and his other hand stroked my back.
“Let shit out, Sin. Fuck, let it out,” Jett soothed, and I began calming.
Even though Jett had called me a nasty name and said cruel things, Jett wouldn’t physically hurt me. He’d watch over me. Jett’s knuckles spoke to that fact. If he’d been done with me, then Jett wouldn’t have come last night or stayed. Jett wouldn’t show signs of fighting. No, Jett had me. That’s all I needed. I calmed down, and I lifted my head to gaze at Jett.
“Sorry for being a bitch,” I said in a harsh, tortured whisper.
“Goes double for me being an asshole, sweetness. You were right. Whatever one is, I was a total twatwaffle.”
I smiled at Jett’s statement, and Jett grinned ruefully.
“Yeah, you were,” I agreed, and Jett’s grin turned into a chuckle.