Page 38 of The Rage of Reading
“Docs are springing you later tonight. Gonna take you home and feed you. Reid will be there when we arrive. Drake called Reid, telling him you’re being discharged.”
“Jett, I haven’t anything to wear,” I whispered.
Jett picked a bag up I’d missed him putting on the floor.
“Got you shit. Phoe guessed your sizes.”
“That’s kind,” I muttered. “Have I time to watch the end of the auctions?”
“Yeah, docs won’t be here for an hour. Let’s get you ready. Want a shower? There’s blood in your hair.”
I gave Jett a nod, and he helped me into the bathroom, where he turned the taps on. Jett cocked an eyebrow when I ordered him out but left on the condition I leave the door open. I’d agreed with a sigh.
Somehow, I sensed I was just seeing the beginning of Jett’s protective streak. The bandages got soaked through as I washed my hair, and I thought the nurses might be angry, but it was cleansing. I was washing Rouse away. With anger in my movements, I scrubbed my head vigorously, jostling my ribs and hurting myself. But it was worth the effort as I saw blood washing away.
I turned the shower off and wrapped a thin, scratchy towel around me that luckily fell to my knees. Briskly, I towelled myself dry and then called out to Jett, who looked mad when he witnessed the state of the bandages. Jett slipped the hospital gown back on and went to fetch a nurse for dry dressings. The nurse clacked her tongue but deftly replaced them and helped me get dressed.
When she pulled the curtains back, Jett was waiting beside the doorway, talking to a doctor, and holding a wheelchair. The doctor gave me forms to sign, and Jett filled in my insurance details, which I told him. Deftly, Jett manoeuvred me into the chair and then whisked me away. Once outside, I drew in a deep, cleansing breath and spied a new truck. When the door opened, Slick climbed out. Together, Jett and Slick gently lifted me and settled me in.
Jett’s ass hit his bike and followed Slick and me home. Curious, I peeped and saw Slick’s hands were faintly bruised. Ouch, I bit my lip and looked up at the man. Slick gave me a quizzical smile.
“Is there a brother without spilt knuckles?” I asked. Slick grinned widely, and I guessed that was a no. Soon we approached my house, which was different from the last few nights. The lights welcomed me home, which warmed my insides, and Reid dashed out like the hounds of hell were after him. Reid opened my door, and waves of fury rolled off him and slammed into me.
“Next time, you wait for me,” Reid snarled at Slick as he gently helped me out of the truck. I was confused. Had Reid expected to pick me up from the hospital?
“There won’t be a fuckin’ next time,” Jett barked at Reid. Reid turned and gave him a stare that made Jett step forward. “No one will touch Sin again, over my dead body.”
“You fucked up, mate. I left you in charge of precious treasure, and you screwed up. Look at Sin! Then you remove my chance to lay Rouse out,” Reid snapped.
Jett refused to back off.
Okay then, Reid was pissed that everyone got a shot at punching Rouse apart from him. I glanced at Reid, and he checked me from head to toe and then continued glaring at Jett.
“Yeah, I fucked up. This is on me, and I’m gonna make it right. Sin won’t ever be afraid again. She didn’t need to see you with blood on your hands,” Jett fired at Reid.
“You’re not welcome, mate,” Reid growled.
“Excuse me,” I interrupted.
“Ain’t leaving Sin, so get your head around it,” Jett stated, getting into Reid’s face. Agitated, I looked at the men towering over me and sighed. Sharply, I gave them both an elbow in the stomach and frowned at them.
“Hey, I want to go indoors. Stop pissing on my leg, both of you. It’s not Jett’s fault. Reid, I should have sold those letters. I had a bad feeling in my gut,” I rasped.
“Not your fuckin’ fault,” Jett denied as Reid snapped a reply simultaneously.
“Bullshit, Sin. You didn’t ask for this. That was our property. The fucker attacked you. The asshole better be suffering a shit load of pain. And banged up in the nick,” Reid said, looking at Jett and receiving a sharp nod, although Jett looked confused at Reid’s use of the word nick.
“Police station; nick is what the English call it. Can I please go get comfortable? And I’m hungry,” I whispered plaintively. Before I could blink, three sets of hands shot out to help me. I sighed again. Wonderful. Overprotective males. Between them, they got me into the living room, and I settled down in amongst my fluffy, comfy throw pillows.
Reid remained standing, legs splayed apart, arms folded and beyond pissed. Jett matched his stance. Slick offered a wink and left, slapping Jett on the back. Unhappy, I sighed and kept swapping my gaze between the two irate guys in front of me. Neither was prepared to give an inch.
“Okay, please knock it off,” I said wearily.
Instantly, both men relaxed, and an apologetic expression crossed Reid’s face.
“Honey, I’m sorry, I let you down. Trusted your safety to outsiders and look at what happened.”
I groaned as Jett immediately snapped his gaze in Reid’s direction.