Page 36 of The Rage of Reading
“Sin’s in business to make money. Sinclair told you how to buy them several times, and you wouldn’t listen. And in your mind, that gave you the right to beat a woman half to death? Nearly rape her? Sin’s a virgin. You tried to assault an innocent!” Jett roared, and his inner beast released. Jett let rip with a hammer blow of a right hook and sent the man flying.
“Bitch shouldn’t have been so greedy. I’m descended from William Marshall’s family. Fuck, those are my family papers. Montgomery had no claim to them!” Rouse shrieked, and Jett threw another punch and knocked him backwards into Lowrider, who again pushed Rouse forward.
“That made it okay to attack Sin?” Jett roared. “To rape Sin? If Kenna hadn’t arrived, would you have stopped?”
The truth shone in Rouse’s eyes, and Jett lost control. Long minutes later, Drake pulled Jett off him. Rouse lay on the floor, conscious but bleeding heavily. Jett had broken his ribs and nose. Rouse spat two teeth out from a bloody mouth.
“Guess what my woman’s gonna do now? Publish those papers and spread your shame over the news. Everyone will know your family’s dirty secret,” Jett sneered, and Rouse shrieked in denial.
“Pick him up,” Manny said, stepping forward. “Sin’s my friend.” And Manny let rip. Drake was next. Lowrider let loose a punch that lifted Rouse off his feet, and they heard something snap inside the man.
“Drake, Ace, put that asshole in the van,” a female demanded.
The brothers looked surprised at seeing Artemis.
“Artemis,” Ace responded with a sigh.
“Boys, I’m the only one who can take Rouse in. Rouse resisted me bringing him in, which explains the injuries. And I’ve the bounty hunter’s licence.” Artemis pulled out a wicked knife and crouched down where Rouse lay.
“Honey,” Apache said, warning his wife.
“Fuckin’ lucky it’s the brothers. Rage wants you sent down. They have contacts inside. Rapists get a shit ride in prison,” Artemis hissed at the bleeding mess on the ground.
Rouse opened his eyes, groaning. If Rouse wanted sympathy, Artemis was the wrong person.
“If it was me, you’d be sliced, diced, and chopped into small pieces. Your piece of shit body would never be found. Sin’s my sister, the girl’s Rage. If it was my choice, I’d be carving you until you screamed, and even then, I wouldn’t stop. I’d dish more than a beating.
“You won’t speak of this because if you do, you won’t know where or when I’ll come for you, but I will. And then when I do, you’ll fucking scream, alone in the darkness, terrified and unable to see where I’ll stick my knife next. Tell the cops everything you did to my girl, don’t force a trial, no plea deal, and fuckin’ admit to attempted rape. Breathe one word concerning Rage… I’ll find you. Put that bastard in the van,” Artemis told Apache, reaching up and giving Ace a kiss.
“Rouse’ll reach the PD?” Apache asked his daughter-in-law.
“Bastard will reach it, might bleed a tiny bit more, but he’ll survive,” Artemis said. Walking forward, she kicked Rouse in the ribs and then his head, knocking Rouse out. Artemis wriggled her ass out of the doorway.
“Your fuckin’ wife terrifies the shit out of me sometimes,” Lowrider told Ace as they picked up the unconscious guy.
“Woman fuckin’ scares me too, man, great, ain’t it?” Ace grinned, and they carried Rouse out.
“Fetching my girl,” Jett announced, and Manny lifted a hand up.
“Make it right this time, Jett.”
Jett’s eyes searched Manny’s face.
“Fuck, you want Sin,” Jett growled.
“What’s not to want? Sin’s sweet, fuckin’ beautiful, sexy as hell, funny, everything a brother looks for. Kid, I’m telling you, grovel for forgiveness, or I’m taking a shot,” Manny stated firmly.
“Brothers don’t steal a brother’s woman,” Jett said, growling.
“You haven’t been inside Sin yet,prospect, which leaves the girl free. Fuckin’ fix it with Sin,” Manny got in Jett’s face, “if you ain’t guessed, Sin’s special. An old lady-in-waiting, anybody Rage would take a shot.”
Jett looked around. Lex and Ezra met Jett’s stare with a nod. Shit, they were interested in his woman.
“Claiming Sin,” Jett warned.
“Then secure that claim before I make a move. You’re a prospect. Yeah, one day you’ll be a full brother, but at the moment, unless you’re inside Sin, a brother can mark interest,” Manny sneered. “And Sin likes me better than she does you.”