Page 139 of Wear Something Red Anthology
Trace rubbed my thigh. “You don’t remember what happened last night?”
“I remember little bits.” I squinted, trying to pull up more. “The memories are all disjointed.”
Kaleb leaned over the island, bracing his weight on his elbows. “That fucker you were talking to at the bar spiked your drink.”
I went very still. “He spiked …” I trailed off, anger flooding me. “That son of abitch.” Oh, I could kill him.
Kaleb grunted. “Good description.”
“We didn’t take you to the hospital because we weren’t sure you’d want that, given how easy it is for such things to be leaked to the media and twisted into ‘this person is a drug addict’ story,” said Trace. “So we had a doctor come visit you here while you were still half-out of it. He looked you over, took some blood samples, and told us to keep a close eye on you. By that point, you’d purged the drug out of your system.”
“Spewed up my guts, you mean?” I mumbled, cringing.
His lips twitched. “Yeah. That. If you want to report it, we can make that happen. Although Flynnwasdealt with last night. Blake Mercier was in his office. He came right down to the basement and … addressed the situation.”
I didn’t ask for elaboration. It was well-known that Blake didn’t have much interest in calling the cops in the case of ‘incidents.’ He liked to deal with things his own way, and it often involved a shitload of hurt—which club members knew and accepted. The thought of Flynn in pain did not bother me one little bit.
As for me reporting it … I could easily imagine how that would go. The information would find its way to a reporter for sure, who would twist the whole thing. It had happened to me once before. I’d been dropped from a project even though I’dbeen able to provide medical documentation to prove that I’d been given what was a common date rape drug.
The movie director had believed me, he just hadn’t wanted negative publicity attached to his project. That was in the early days of my career and had been somewhat forgotten. A second report would dredge up the first story, andno fucking waywas I letting this shit stain my career a second time round. Besides, Blake would have made Flynn pay a far worse price than any prosecutor could ever do.
“How did you guys notice that I’d been drugged?” I asked them.
Hesitating, Trace twisted his mouth. “We were watching you. And admittedly not feeling too happy about you talking and laughing with that asshole at the bar. You seemed dizzy and a little out of it. We were planning to go check on you, but then he started trying to drag you out of the dome.”
“It was easy to see by how difficult you were finding it to walk on your own steam that something was wrong,” said Kaleb. “So we hauled ass over to you.”
My chest felt all warm. They’d been watching me. They’d been annoyed by my talking with Flynn. More, they’d intervened when they sensed I needed help. And then they’d brought me here to recover.
I swallowed. “Thank you.” I didn’t even want to think about what might have happened if they hadn’t stepped in. “And thank you for bringing me here so that I wouldn’t be alone.”
Kaleb snorted. “Like we’d have left you on your own.” He straightened. “You hungry?”
My nose wrinkled. “A little. But my stomach feels all kinds of jittery.”
“How about some toast, then?” Kaleb suggested. “It should be easy to keep down.”
“That would be great, thanks.”
“Coffee? Water? Tea? Juice?”
“Just water, please.”
Kaleb nodded and then turned to the bread bin.
Trace nuzzled my neck, snatching my attention. “You look good in my shirt.”
“Thanks for letting me borrow it.” I bit my lip. “I’ll get out of your hair as soon as I’ve eaten.Andlocated my dress. It isn’t covered in puke, is it?”
“Not anymore. We washed it for you.” Trace cocked his head, smoothing his hand up my thigh. “Do you have plans for today?”
I shook my head. “No.”
“Then stay with us,” Trace coaxed.
I felt my brows hike up. “Stay?”
Kaleb plopped two slices of bread into the toaster. “Sounds like a plan I can get behind.”