Page 138 of Wear Something Red Anthology
Whoever lived here was clearly a fan ofthe finer things. Luxury bedding. Expensive-looking furnishings. A seemingly endless rack of suits I could see via the partially open closet door.
I searched my memories, trying to piece them together.
The Vault. I’d gone to the Vault. I’d sat at the bar in the dome, I’d had a few drinks with … hell, what was his name? Finn. No, Flynn. We’d talked and laughed, but I’d started to feel somewhatoff.
That was when things got blurry.
I remembered walking toward the ornate doors. I remembered Trace, his eyes gleaming with anger. I remembered being held against Kaleb.
Someone had carried me, whispering reassurances. I was pretty sure it was Kaleb.
A limo. There was a limo at some point. I’d sank into the buttery leather, my stomach rolling and rolling and rolling.
A vivid memory of me spewing into a toilet slapped me hard.
“That’s it, get it all out,” Kaleb had said. “Good girl.”
I cringed, my face flushing. Oh Jesus, I’d hurled like a champ right in front of him. No, in front of himandTrace. I remembered one holding my hair while the other rubbed my back. God, the shame.
And now, what, where was I?
It seemed likely that one of the guys had taken me to their home. If I had to guess, I would say that this place belonged to Trace. He was very much a man of style.
I carefully sat upright and took stock of myself. I was wearing a crisp white shirt that was definitely not mine. Did that mean I’d gotten vomit all over my dress? Or had they just wanted me to be comfortable while I slept?
I hoped it was the latter. There was no sign of my dress anywhere, though my shoes and purse were near a fancy chaise lounge at the other side of the room.
Yeah, this was definitely Trace’s home. No way could I envision Kaleb buying a chaise lounge.
Slipping out of the bed, I walked to the window.My, my, my.Manicured lawn, high security walls, well-pruned trees, long driveway. If the view below was anything to go by, I wasn’t in an apartment building. I was more likely tucked up in one of the expensive, sprawling properties that were located around Redwater.
Turning, I noticed an attached bathroom not far from the closet. I headed straight into the very opulent bathroom and did my business. Crossing to the vanity, I stared into the mirror above it and winced. God, I looked a mess.
After locating a spare toothbrush in one of the vanity drawers, I went to work on my teeth. I then finger-combed my hair as best I could and washed away my smudged makeup. But there was no getting rid of the dark circles under my eyes, or changing how pale my face was. Not without makeup, anyway—and I was fresh out of that right now.
Leaving the bedroom, I made my way across a hallway and down averygrand staircase. I followed the sound of muffled voices into a kitchen that was all black glass, stainless steel, and granite countertops.
Trace sat at the island, scrolling down the screen of a tablet.
Kaleb was in the process of closing the refrigerator door. Turning away from it, he spotted me, and his mouth tipped up. “Here she is. Morning.”
Trace’s gaze snapped to mine and softened. “You’re up earlier than I expected. Get over here.”
I looked from one man to the other. Damn, they were so gorgeous. And I’dvomitedin front of them.
I gave a little wave, my smile sheepish, as I walked further into the room. “I, um, found and used a spare toothbrush. Hope that’s okay.”
“Of course it is,” Trace assured me, setting down his tablet on the island’s surface. “How’re you feeling?” he asked, pulling me onto his lap.
“Like a bag of shit,” I replied. “Where am I?”
“My home.” Trace brushed my hair away from my face. “We would have taken you to your own home, but we weren’t sure you’d be good with us staying the night at your apartment without your say-so.”
“Staying the night?”
“Yes. We didn’t want you to be alone.”
I frowned, my scalp prickling. “Why not?”