Page 140 of Wear Something Red Anthology
Trace nipped my earlobe. “Don’t worry, we won’t take advantage.”
“I was afraid you’d say that,” I mumbled, disappointed.
Kaleb smirked.
Trace let out a wicked laugh and then pressed a kiss to my temple. “You need looking after, not to be seduced.”
I gave him a sharp look. “Then maybe don’t keep rubbing my thigh.”
Mischief flickered in his eyes. “Why not?”
Once I’d eaten a light breakfast, I pulled on a pair of socks and jogging pants that Trace gave me. The pants were super loose on me, so I was sure I looked ridiculous. But that didn’t stop either of the guys from giving me a rather intense eye-fuck.
Trace gave me a tour of the house—it was onehellof a house, all style and lavishness. Kaleb tagged along, rarely moving far from my side. Trace stayed just as close.
They touched me often—smooth, casual, anchoring touches that held an edge of entitlement. Maybe it should have felt suffocating. But even as they hovered and watched over me, they made me feel soothed rather than smothered.
Once the tour was over, we settled outside on the patio area near the pool. Kaleb was quick to sit on the half-moon rattan sofa beside me, grinning when Trace grumbled about it beneath his breath as he took the sofa opposite.
As we set our cold drinks on the table that was situated between the sofas, I was wondering just how I might convince the guys to strip naked and go dive in the pool—the show would be atreat—but then the phone I’d earlier stuffed in my pants’ pocket beeped.
I fished out my cell. Cat had sent me a message in our girls’ group chat.Anything interesting happen between you and Flynn last night?
I wouldn’t quite call it ‘interesting.’
Another message popped up—this one from Inaya:Who’s Flynn?
Izzy then chipped in:Yes, who’s Flynn? Enquiring minds want to know.
Yeah, well, this wasn’t a story I wanted to relay via a group chat. Nor did I want to discuss it here and now, or even by video call. I wanted to enjoy some time with Trace and Kaleb.
Deciding I’d instead relay the story during our girls’ trip to the mall tomorrow, I vaguely texted:Just a guy I spoke to at the club last night. Nothing good to report on my end.
Lots of sad emojis appeared on the screen, along with a message from Inaya:I can’t enjoyably live my life vicariously through you if you don’t get laid again, Briar—take things up a notch, will ya.
I rolled my eyes and sent her an emoji with its tongue sticking out.Btw, I won’t be coming to the V tonight. Too damntired.In truth, I wasn’t in the mood after what had happened with Flynn. Plus, I still mentally felt a little shaky.
Each of the girls dedicated five minutes to whining and pushing me to change my mind. But I didn’t. At which point they playfully declared me a sad sack and all manner of similar shit.
Make sure you still meet us at the mall tomorrow at least,Cat typed.
I replied:I’ll be there. Promise. *pinky swear*
“Everything all right?” Kaleb asked me.
I threw him a quick smile. “Yeah, fine.”
His gaze briefly dipped to the phone I was shoving back in my pocket. “Work stuff?”
“Nah, it was just my friends checking in,” I replied, sinking into the thick cushion behind me. “They’re going to flip when they find out about the stunt Flynn pulled.”
Trace slanted his head. “You haven’t told them yet?”
“I’d rather do it in person,” I explained.
He gave a slow nod of understanding.